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DayZ Commander not working?

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I downloaded Dayz commander yesterday and have been using it since. It was working great till this evening when I opened it up. No servers appear in the window when I refresh yet is says it finds like 2000+ servers up top. The only time I can see any servers now is when I click on the recent tab. And no, its not cause I am filtering it wrong. I didnt change any filter settings from when it worked fine, And yes, I have un-installed and re-installed and it still doing the same thing. Just curious if anyone else has encountered this problem, knows of a fix.

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Yeh dunno, i tried the proggie for a while but it seems random, sometimes i get no servers out 1700+ , sometimes i get 6-10 sometimes i get a hundredish, sometimes i get the lot. Not bagging the proggie, it just seems very hit and miss atm. Last time i tried it a few days back i got 20 or so servers restarted it and then got 0. Six finds all the servers all the time so i will wait until Commander is a bit further along, seems nice since it has the filter options.

Maybe its to do with your change log ?

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The program is working correctly but you cannot find any servers? It does sound like a filter problem, my version refuses to recognise my version of DayZ so when I checked the box to only show servers which are running my version nothing appeared, maybe you have this or something similar.

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Seems to be glitchy. With no filters set it finds 124 servers outta 2000+ and doesn't display the amount of people in them and latency is 10000... Oh well.

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Seems to be glitchy. With no filters set it finds 124 servers outta 2000+ and doesn't display the amount of people in them and latency is 10000... Oh well.

I haven't seen this reported before. Can you tell me the two counts on the left side, just above the filters? The first number shows you how many are visible in your list and the second count are how many total before filters are applied. Also, if you could send a screenshot of your filter setup, we could diagnose further.

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It's possible that you have an older version of DayZ Commander that still has some bugs and is not auto-updating itself properly -- especially if installed on any drive other than your C drive. This latter issue (auto-update) just got fixed, so I suggest doing the following to get your version up to to see if it fixes your problem:

1.) Uninstall DayZ Commander via START --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features. (Your friends or favorites lists will remain intact.)

2.) Download from here --> (http://dayzcommander.blob.core.windows.net/releases/Dotjosh.DayZCommander.Installer.msi) and install into the same directory on the same drive as the previous install.

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It's possible that you have an older version of DayZ Commander that still has some bugs and is not auto-updating itself properly -- especially if installed on any drive other than your C drive. This latter issue (auto-update) just got fixed, so I suggest doing the following to get your version up to to see if it fixes your problem:

1.) Uninstall DayZ Commander via START --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features. (Your friends or favorites lists will remain intact.)

2.) Download from here --> (http://dayzcommander...r.Installer.msi) and install into the same directory on the same drive as the previous install.

Please link to the website directly, so if the installer location changes, people aren't led to bad links.

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Screens as per requested


As you can see, thats what it pulls up with zero filtering selected.

When I go to the recents tab, I can see everything like it used to appear.


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Screens as per requested


As you can see, thats what it pulls up with zero filtering selected.

When I go to the recents tab, I can see everything like it used to appear.


really strange, thank you for submitting this.

With DayZ Commander closed, try deleting the directory:


And then start up commander again and let me know if that fixes it.


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No, thank you for working hard at improving this game :) Pretty cool when you can get help from the actual app dev.

Ill try deleting my directory.


Deleting the directory in my appdata worked. Working smooth as ever again. Thanks!


Edited by Bluetorchtv

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I too had the same problem, but the fix you gave above doesnt seem to fix the problem for me. I am currently running windows 7 and just installed commander today. up until this point i was using the arma II launcher.

Also, my recent just shows the 3 servers i was able to join before this happend as unresponsive with no latency or anything.

Edited by Ethan G

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I have the same problem with it not loading any servers. I tried reinstalling, and deleting the directory and those two didn't work.


Edited by Palindromus

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I too had the same problem, but the fix you gave above doesnt seem to fix the problem for me. I am currently running windows 7 and just installed commander today. up until this point i was using the arma II launcher.

Also, my recent just shows the 3 servers i was able to join before this happend as unresponsive with no latency or anything.

I have the same problem with it not loading any servers. I tried reinstalling, and deleting the directory and those two didn't work.

The servers are down for maintenance, which is probably why you both cannot find any servers currently.

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really strange, thank you for submitting this.

With DayZ Commander closed, try deleting the directory:


And then start up commander again and let me know if that fixes it.


My dayzcommander has been working fine since I downloaded it. But since it upgraded to the newer version. It doesn't work. I get no servers at all. I don't even get the number of servers mentioned above. I've uninstalled, and reinstalled dayzcommander. And I've deleted the directory you mentioned. It still doesn't work.

EDIT: Never mind. Apparently there is maintenance going on at the moment and no one is getting server lists. Guess it was just my luck it'd happen right after the update to make it appear as though the update were the cause.

Edited by H4YW1R3

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I had a problem with Commander updating Arma2OA last night. I booted up the Six launcher to update and then Commander listed the servers correctly.

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I have a problem with dayz commander, it says : "Cannot fin at least one of your Arma2 directories"

i launched the two games arma OA and Arma, but i cannot launch dayz server via commander.

If you look at this screenshot : http://imageshack.us/a/img841/1475/46708753.jpg you can see i don't have any derictories not even wrong ones.

What am i suppose to do ?

Help me please, i want to play dayz


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