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Delta Smoke 01

DayZ is now inspiring stupidity among new players

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This game has gone from awesome to stupidity in just a few months. People killing noobs as they spawn has generated mass retardation among new players. Iv been feeling sorry for them so iv helped a few out recently. Heres what happened tonight.

So i meet this noob running around screaming "dont shoot, please !" over and over and over while running around bleeding all over the church. Zed hits him and breaks his legs, knocking him unconcious. I bandage him and drag him away from the door while i kill them. He wakes up and i tell him to stay put while i nip round the corner to get him blood and morphine. I fix him up and show him around elektro, showing him safe paths away from open grounds. We check all the buildings and i cant find him a gun. So i decide to give him my m1911. Hes says "Oh!! thats for me !! wow thanks!!". He then unloaded the one mag that i had left into the wall around my head from point blank range. I just stood there in disbelief. W....T.....F lol. He then proceeded to say "dont shoot" over and over again as if nothing had happened. I watched him run away for a bit then one enfield round in the back later im sure he realized his error. But seriously, is this what the game has come to ? He was obviously mentally scarred from all the times hes been killed since buying the game. Something needs to be done about this noob killing shit and fast.

Edited by Delta Smoke 01
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haven't seen much coastal spawnkilling. if anything, what's to gain? painkillers? bandages?

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Laughed hard here, thanks for sharing this.

This is what you should expect from pretty much everyone these days.

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What church is near a spawn point?


Nobody is killing newbies as they spawn.

Cherno? Elektro? Okay, sure. That's not a spawn point. That's a death trap. It always has been. Since day fucking one. Nothing has changed recently.

If anything, a lot less newbies are dying at spawn these days, due to the lack of makarov spam.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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I dunno, when i was new, i first died to zeds, then when i thought, i got it, i got sniped and tracked and murdered. I never even bothered to coop. I run or shoot and i never asked for help, nor did anyone help me.

And mad moments make the mod cool. You would rarely get that in tf2.

If you want to give newbs weapons, why not drop them and withdraw to safe distance, while keeping the.ch on them. That's a better way than insisting on trust reinstall confidence back carefully.

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I am enjoying this game! A bit frustating at times but i am a noob and i haven't faced any spawn killing yet!

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problem is too many people make it a habit to stay around the coast for too long, if u do that, you get too jumpy and thats when unarmed people start dying everywhere.

The Reason for dying at the coast is ussually unstable thinking, so you shoot everyone, up in the north, its a little more refined, you shoot to take. its thought about, planned and ussualy executed. ussually for vehciles

or to get that piece of gear you dont have. people are more friendly in large groups if u can surround someone before shots are fired. Ussually have a quick chat then let em be

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Agree i think alot of noobs will be turned away from dayZ because of this, I remember my 1st day on the coast as i entered in excited from watching all these streams a truck rolls up to me three men jump out and blow me away.... happened a couple times within that hour was quite annoyin and still see it happening to people to this day.

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Dunno had an elektro spawn with instant zed aggro. Another one just looked over the hill, aggro.

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That was a really funny story that could have come from your avatar character himself!

But it doesen't reflect DayZ, only humanity. Most humans simply are idiots.

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haven't seen much coastal spawnkilling. if anything, what's to gain? painkillers? bandages?

They do it for shits n giggles. Mainly because of lack of content.

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This one time I gave this guy I'd just met who had nothing at all in the world a gun and then he shot at me.

Needless to say, I was shocked.

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Funny story. I am yet to see however all this coastal bandit noob killing stuff. I hear and see noobs shooting each other in Cherno or Electro or the odd sniper on the hill killing people, but it's nowhere near as bad as people make out, atleast not on the Australian and New Zealand servers. If you don't go to Cherno or Electro and know how to handle infected then chances are you will live long enough to make it off the coast. It just retards who respawn untill then hit one of the cities then go in there to loot that have problems. You can get decent weoponry out of dear stands. But still they insist on hiting the cities...

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Mentally scarred by being killed in game? I get killed every few weeks and when I do I have to dodge assholes to get a few basics like coke and beans before heading back to my usual haunts. If I charge into the store or church and get curb stomped by zombies or a player and you save my ass and re-arm me then you've made a friend to roll/trade/inform with. I will not outright dump a magazine near/at you. I'm not scarred. Some players are or at least role play douche bags for a cheap thrill and you give them too much credit.

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Now that you don't spawn with anything valuable there should be no reason to kill someone for an empty inventory.

I cant feel your pain

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haven't seen much coastal spawnkilling. if anything, what's to gain? painkillers? bandages?

more kill in debug monitor i go 97!!

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that guy yuou helped in OP was a bit retarded or just a big big noob..i had to play a lot to learn how to manage those limit situation..just help them but watching all the time..shoot who can't chat and in general avoid other players. when i spawn in big towns and think that as freshspawned i can risk a cornershop, sometimes i get shot ,but 80% it'a a noob..yeah i got sniped a couple of times but shit happens..and if i get killed with an empty inventory i don't care..

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lol yeah, i've seen people look at me in disbelief when i help them out. like they're not believing what they're seeing, all they know is deathmatch.

Edited by Zorg
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