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Church bells

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Hey guys, I'm a bit new to the game and I was wondering if the tolling church bells attract zombies.

Thanks for your time guys,


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It happens so often (every hour or every half hour or so) that I doubt the zombies are even phased by it.

but to answer your question in literal terms, I've never seen the zed's react to the church bell.

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I'm not sure but it's handy for covering the sound of your gunfire if you time it right.

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I'm not sure but it's handy for covering the sound of your gunfire if you time it right.


I never even thought about this! :D Thank you for the wonderful tip.

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I don't think they do but they should. That would be awesome.

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Who's ringing the church bells anyway???

I always have a really strange feeling everytime i hear those bells...somehow feels creepy:O

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Who's ringing the church bells anyway???

I always have a really strange feeling everytime i hear those bells...somehow feels creepy:O

Zombie monks, duh?

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"Zombie monks, duh?"

Yeah, that's what I have thinking of, but zombies are more or less mindless creatures, I mean ofc they chase you and stuff, but i was unaware they might be able to ring the bells.

I know the priest zeds, they scare the shit out of me all the time...:)

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