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Holy **** US 467 Cheats

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We were in a group of 5 people at cherno. I decided to run into cherno alone while being covered to an apartment building on the far right side 2 story apartment coming from Electro. There was about 25+ players that spawned on the roof, I was teleported to the roof. I immediately aborted the game. About 7 players died instantly. It was a serious cluster ****.

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Yea, I was in TS with 3 people who were online at the time and they talked about being teleported and dying, a couple that alt+f4'd survived.

Also people have been experiencing this all over the servers today, so I can't say I wasn't expecting it.

Edited by Devil4444123

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I was also there, it has been happening on other servers as well....i luckily managed to alt f4 as soon as i got teleported but now i am stuck on that roof....and the roof isnt in cherno...its at the NW airfield....: (

- muffin

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