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Mid-Combat Disconnection Hammer [URGENT]

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This NEEDS to be implemented.


Many players will disconnect during combat, or while in danger.

This is unfair for the player that successfully conducted a proper attack.

Why not implement a system, where if a player is shot; their body will remain in the server for 15 seconds if they disconnect during a firefight.

FloSSy has explained this situation best:

"This mod is getting to the point, where if you don't shoot someone in the head with a sniper rifle; They're logging out"

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Meh, big deal..

Alt f4 isnt working no more so any more implications is a waste (of time).

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I don't think they should do anything while it's still in alpha because random disconnects due to server problems are still quite high. But nearer launch/beta they could just make it so disconnecting anywhere leaves your character in the game for 15+ secs.

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I don't think they should do anything while it's still in alpha because random disconnects due to server problems are still quite high. But nearer launch/beta they could just make it so disconnecting anywhere leaves your character in the game for 15+ secs.

In the server log' date=' it explains the reason for the disconnect. It'll give you an error otherwise (a reason of error).

Alt-F4 may not work, but.... 'esc > abort > disconnect' certainly still does.

[b']*There is absolutely nothing stopping someone from running around the corner from your gunfire, and logging off.

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This seems to be a great idea....

"To help bandits get more kills."

And little else right?

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This seems to be a great idea....

"To help bandits get more kills."

And little else right?

Statistically speaking, many more bandits disconnect than survivors. If anything, this would benefit survivors.

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I though only bandits shoot other people, and considering the fact your idea is triggered on the event of one player shooting another player and provides the advantage to the player who shoots first, it seems to benefit players who kill other players.

Perhap if this was weighted on humanity it could benefit survivors. But right now it seems to only benefit bandit hunters and bandits.

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It benefits anyone trying to kill another player. It's exploiting the system to avoid a death that you deserved. If you put yourself into the tactical position, where logging out is the only way you will stay alive, well sucks to be you. Even with the new force saving you can just Alt+f4 anytime someone looks at you strange and you end up on another server ready to go, even if you've been shot, that person shooting you has no idea what server you went to, and odds are you just bandage up and keep on going on your carebear way.

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I've done this only once, and I only did to further piss of the bandit that was chasing me.

I was casually walking in the woods near Pusta shooting zeds that got too close, when I heard a pair of footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a guy pointing at me with a Makarov. I hid behind a rock and switched from my M1911 to my M4A1 CCO SD. After I popped back out from behind the rock with an assault rifle, the bandit shat a brick and took cover behind a tree. He started to lean around this tree trying to get a good shot on me. Luckily I had the upper hand with better range, a full magazine, and my sights already trained on his face. I made a warning shot at the tree, and he ducked behind the cover and fired off 5 rounds in my direction. I switched over to my grenade and threw it behind his tree. I heard a brief scream and an explosion over both VOIP and locally, followed by a lot of Russian obscenities. I heard a lot of movement nearby and decided to take the beans from the bandit and logged off after nobody else showed their face even though I knew I was surrounded.

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