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Hacking, what is in store for the future?

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Hey guys,

Something that I have witnessed and I am sure a lot of you have been victim to as well- having that invincible player gunning you and your buddies down, the teleport in the sky and fall to your death, the random explosions, and many others. I know there are many threads about this, however it still is a problem that is effecting a large number of the player base. I would like to start a discussion detailing player experiences with hackers, what they had happen to themselves/friends, and any other details that they can add.

As for the Day Z staff, if possible I would like to ask them to give us some insight on how things are going on their end on resolving these ongoing issues and if they have experienced anything themselves while playing. The mass ban a month or two ago seemed like it calmed things down for a few weeks, but here lately it has been more prevalent.

Among technical issues such as zombies hitting through walls and random glitch deaths I think this is one of the bigger issues regarding this game, since death has so much significance.

If you are lucky enough to not have experienced these issues, or perhaps you just bought the game from steam's awesome sale, here is some evidence from Youtube:

They should be in order as it happened, just different perspectives.

Thanks guys for your time and hopefully we can work together as a community to stop the hackers from ruining our experiences.

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hey, i have to totally agree with u, this video explains exactly what happened to me yesterday night,and unfortunatedly i dont remmeber either the server i was playing.

i was at noby sabor, heard shots and saw lights in the farm south of my position(was close night), got a bit close, like few steps not much to see if someone moving out but suddenly i was inside the building going upstairs (WTF i thought) one guy with ghille set was there inside aiming his 1911 to me... 7 bullets in 1 sec....

today i lost everything again by full server kill.

this is totally retarded, this game isnt fun anymore.spending so much time running all towns and getting killed this way.

im out.

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Battleye is contracted to handle anti-cheat.

Rocket and team don't have anything - Directly - to do with hackers as it stands at the moment.

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You are right, if you've played Day Z for a fair bit you would of experienced at least one hacker by now, I've been playing for a while and I've only ever experienced three hackers. The first time was when everyone on the server died instantly, the second time was yesterday when the whole server was teleported to the same spot twice and killed by a hacker. It sucks and I'm sure people would be quitting over it, but I had a laugh at it and pressed on.

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I thought Rocket had to do something manually to initiate all those bans a few months back?

He probably has access to a database that stores player reported hackers.

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