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Temperature dropped from 98 to 67 in ten minutes (doing nothing much in particular, not hungry or thirsty either).

If we're talking about Fahrenheit, you'd be in a really bad place below 97. Temperature gauge was only lightly red.

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I haven't logged after the new patch but... the temperature is in Fahrenheit?! Yeah, fuck logic.

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Unless it means outside temperature, which would make more sense.

Still, I don't understand how it could go from one spot being around 98F (wasn't even in direct sunlight or anything) to 67F in 10 minutes.

If we're talking body temperature, then the range should be much, much narrower.

Something like:

98F = great

97F = bit lowered (from standing still too long, etc.)

96F = lowest grade hypothemia

95F = low grade hypothermia

94F = hypothermia

93F (and lower) = falling unconscious / eventually death

And on the other end:

98F = great

99F = warmed up (from running, etc.)

100F = lowest grade fever

101F = low grade fever

102F = fever

103F (and above) = falling unconscious / eventually death

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