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Bloody rocks again!

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I have just spent the past few hours with a friend trawling the coastline until we found a floating beacon of hope. A small boat, we got our jerry cans at the ready and filled it up only to realise that our new boat was no faster than walking, slower even. But no matter, we are survivors and made do with what we had. We deemed our new boat the PARTY BOAT and offerd lifts to friendlys around the cost all the while making our journey north.

Sadly we beached our boat and for no reason whatsoever our passenger and newly inducted member of our little family dropped like a sack of bricks and broke his leg. We then travelled far into land to get supply's to save him, but sadly we were too late. We continued on and found ourselves a new boat named the Party Boat mk2 and set sail. Only to be chased by about 6 zombies who clearly were not afraid of getting wet. We ran out of fuel and ran once again, we then ran as far as we could all the while using our supply's up. after getting hit multiple times.

Eventually we neared a forest that we decided to enter. While making our way towards where we hoped we would find a car, to pick up our group. While scanning the forest we noticed a tent, upon getting closer we found that there were another three behind it. As quietly as we could we took what we could, blood packs, guns, ammo, and the rest.

We discovered that we had made it to Willow Lake, filled up our flasks and got ready to head off again. Until suddenly we freeze. Not a game freeze but our players. Apparently they knew we were coming and put super glue on the rock.

So there we have it, we are currently sitting there, waiting to for our victims to return to their camp and do as they please.

Moral or the story... Fuck rocks!

The game has bugged and my screen is vibrating while I cant move.

Happened to anyone else? Any way out?

Edited by IRIEVOLT

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there is go prone, then open your inv. or is the the other way round? you will inch forward EVERY SO SLIGHTLY and you should make ya way off the rock, happened to me a few times, that trick works... can just take some time

Edited by hoax

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0_0 I love you Arch! Take all my Beans!

Edited by IRIEVOLT

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