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So I can't right click... Help?

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Alright so ever since the new update to six updater i couldn't find or join any games on the server list. A friend of mine suggested I download the latest OA patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/. After I did this I was able to join servers perfectly well, the only problem now is I CAN'T FREAKING RIGHT CLICK! What the hell is going on? I have looked all over Google and couldn't find anything of use. Now I can't eat, drink, fill up canteen, start campfire etc. Help would be most appreciated. Thank you.

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Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Can't right click anywhere, which means I can't equip or use any items. Tried multiple servers, no difference. Until I can find a work around all I can do in this game now is look at the scenery.

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One of you please add me on steam "Whyku" I will help you fix this "If I can" then post back the how to.

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Why would one of us have to add you on Steam for you to post the fix here? That's just strange.

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i don't know how to fix this problem off hand, but there are a few things to try. Why post a list of things someone can try when you can post one thing that will work?

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