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Realistic damage -> First Aid Etc.

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First of all i gotta say i love this game! But as a medic i just like to make a few suggestion towards making Dmg and first aid more realistic :)


The normal amount of blood in a adult human being is 5-6 liters. So having it down there would be more accurate.


I dont know if the 42c is core body temp or if it is the air around you, im asuming it is the core body temp, Normal would be 37,5-38,0c... 42c is close to permanent brain dmg.

(also heat packs in real life only works localy on like hands if you use them inside gloves would need like 20-40 to help core body temp to rise just a little...)


The bleed effect is a good addition its just so aggresive! Being slapped by a human being (Zombies) almost always cause an "arterial bleeding" the chance to bleed should be lowered to more realistic. ( guns should always cause bleed effects \ Axes too ) Diffrent bleed effects? the use of tourniquets?


Painkillers and Morphine should cause blured vision or atleast some side effect if you use too much.. Spamming painkillers should have aside effect. just one morphine should affect the person..


It is actually possible to start a blood transfusion on yourself ( ive tried just the needle tho ).


bandaging just temporary ? why not make some wounds just hard to fix adding a needle and thread to fix the heaviest of wounds.

These are just some of my suggestions got loads more but im off to work :) cheers!

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I agree with this. I grew up in a rural town and due to rednecks have been in a lot of group beatings that I suppose would closely mirror DZ zombie attacks. I was never in any danger of bleeding out from getting punched. I'd prefer to see much more severe damage from individual blows (disorientation, shock, falling over) and less ongoing bleeding. Unless you were bitten. I'd expect more bleeding from gunshots and less from zombies, but more zombie damage. A good punch to the head can really fuck up someone's day, which then allows them more time to get in and do some real biting etc.

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in the head, sure. either way, we said 'more realistic' not 'totally realistic'.

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Realistic damage : .50cal cuts your members off/ explode you

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Realistic damage: 9mm pistol ammo INSTANT DEATH

Well, 50cent took about 5-9 shots in the stomach and still alive, not sure if it was nine tho

Anyway, I agree with this suggestion, damage / healing should be reconsiderated and make more difficult to perform total heals

Edited by MinxinG

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make bandages have time limits. Wounds should have really long time limits (simulate healing). Maybe a pain meter, because people can get knocked out from too much pain right? Infections should be more deadly, like gangrene or frostbite.

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This is already realistic compared to other games: CoD, Battlefield, etc

But I agree with the temperature one 100%.

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I like the suggestions, but I figure I might as well chip in my two cents:

It appears as though my character is literally made of tissue paper, is a hemophiliac, and can do absolutely nothing with his hands. I like the bleeding suggestions and all...I've been in numerous fights and not once have I ever been in danger of bleeding out as a result...Christ it's so f'ing annoying when one m'fing zombie somehow manages to find my femoral artery...seriously change that. I've almost quit the game solely for that reason. Also, falling 5 feet does not sprain/break bones unless you're a retard. I mean, Christ, I, personally have fallen over 12 feet before and nothing bad happened to me. NOTHING AT ALL. I proceeded to walk away from the fall without the slightest injury. Also, for some reason, last time I 'fell' in game (5 foot drop), I started to bleed profusely...Somehow me hitting the ground at about 10mph caused massive external hemorrhaging. F'ing BS. Very frustrating too. Please fix this.

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1. Ever thought about the potential maybe the game doesn't use the metric system, and it having 12 'pints' of blood, with a pint apparently being about half a liter, and thus giving quite an accurate amount of HP

2. The temp i agree on, and a simple search on the net pretty much shows it's not meant to be Fahrenheit or Kelvin temperature ...

3. The bleed and damage done is (in my views) a way to impose fear upon the player (though the worst was/is by far the breaking of bones), the added risk of not having a bandage and thus having to go find one which get you into a position of not finding one and still running into zombies, to then bleed to death. Is a fundamental aspect of this whole game (all of the mechanics deal with this struggle between needing something and that need putting you into risk)

4. The whole broken bone issue needs splits tbqh. and morphine should be a strong long lasting pain killer, where normal ones run out ... having a broken bone f/e splinted up could restore 'walking & running' but both would also give pain (esp. running!), pain screws up your screen already, so having morphine could deal with the pain on long term (f/e the whole time needed to restore a broken leg to normal) why painkiller only work 'so long' ...

5. The bloodbag administering is currently the only item in the game that truely needs cooperation between players, make it selfadministered and there be absolutely no reason to team up. Once there are more reasons to cooperate then perhaps it could make sense to make it selfadministered, still though, for game-mechanic purposes it may well be better to leave it as is...

6. I would personally love a more extensive 'wounds' system, with different ways to fix them, still though any bandage can somewhat be a presure bandages, and all it would cause is a major scar in the end...

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