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Best revenge in my DayZ career

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I couldnt EXACTLY determine where shots were coming from when i spawned in on a server. It sounded like behind me, but i wasnt quite sure. To my dismay, there were about 30M to my back, in the supermarket in Zelenogosk. It appeared that a guy was in serious trouble. Zombies coming from 2 sides, and hes trapped in a corner. Being the (somewhat) helpful guy i am, i tried to help, luring the zombies away and killing them with my winchester, which of course ran out of ammo. Returning to the man, i not only typed but also shouted into my mic "Friendly! dont shoot! I cleared the zombies".

As i walked through the door to the store, i assumed i had made a new ally, considering i just saved his sorry A@! from dealing with a slow, painful death. He was clearly looting at the time, so i figured i would walk into his view, lower my weapon, and salute JUST IN CASE he did not hear me or see the chat. At that point i was greeted with a burst of AK to my face. Thanks a lot, buddy. Pretty mad at the fact that i just saved him, only for him to bandit me (which i should have guessed would have happened). So i decided to see just who was in the server with me. Just him.

The odds sort of baffled me that the only two people in the server were right next to each other. But that was his mistake. So i respawned, luckily, in Elektro. After seemingly raiding the entire town at night, i was rearmed and better equipped with an AKM of my own, 2 frags, a smoke grenade, flares, and plenty of foodstuffs. As i made my way past the damn north of elektro, i stopped to fill my canteen. From there i walked through Mogilevka, Stary Sobor, Kabanino, and finally to Vybor. I was much better equipped then, and ready to take on the airfield.

I moved out, dawn rapidly approaching. I periodically checked to see if the guy was still in the server, which of course he was. I figured he would make his way either to the coast, where the major cities were ripe to scavenge from, or to the airfield. I hoped for the prior. I made my move. I took a straight sprint to the corner of the airfield closest to Vybor. What i saw there when i got there amazed me. This man had a tent surrounded by barbed wire right out in the open, 'hidden' in a small patch of brush.

After taking my sweet time browsing through his inventory, finally settled on taking an M16 and a DMR. No sooner did i leave, fully stocked with an ALICE pack, (DMR and all its ammo in there) did i see headlights coming from across the field. Again i checked the player list. Just me, and him. After all this effort over a course of around 4.5 hours, i was not letting him kill me again. So i hid near the tents lying in some brush. Here comes the guy, clearly not knowing i was even there. Shooting him wasnt enough for me. I wanted his death to be an embarrassing one

Ahh, the hatchet. One of the few tools that are very overlooked in PVP. As soon as he crouched down at his tent, obviously in the gear menu, i made my move. It was pure luck that he was engaged in trying to find his missing gear, and not paying attention to the footsteps rapidly approaching. I struck. It took 5 hours, 2 liters of Mountain Dew (The real thing), a few palletes of Pizza Rolls, and my mind set on revenge to kill this guy. But in the end, after watching him type "YOU MADE ME LOOSE EVERYTHING YOU BAST^@#D", i knew it was worth it. Only in DayZ.

But yeah, im still a noob, 2 weeks into the game, so sorry if it wasnt as epic as you first thought. Also i had no idea if i should put this in Survivor (for bandit killing) or Bandit (for looting his tent).

~Supplice VI~

Edited by Supplice VI
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haha if this is for real man most epic thing ! :D i hope you enjoyed it. because i feel you man.

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