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You Do Not Get a Cold From Being Cold

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Flame disclaimer: I'm in favor of the 'idea' of a temperature system; it makes sense and fits in with the hunger/thirst nicely.

This is meant to be an uber-realistic survival simulator with zombies, and currently everything in the game is angled towards that - even not being able to drink seawater...

Then you drop this bombshell? There are PLENTY of things that go seriously wrong with a person exposed to low temperature for extended periods of time and you choose the one thing that won't ever happen?

And your 'cure' for catching a common cold via low temperature is antibiotics? MRSA & a zombie apocalypse, cool.

My problem with this feature isn't game related: you're teaching a ton of people something false in a SIMULATOR. With the exploding playerbase of this mod there WILL be people going out into the REAL WORLD that see no problem with using antibiotics for a cold, and strengthening the erroneous belief that you get ill from being cold/wet, not being around other sick people (indoors, where you'll be when it's cold/wet).

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and others might go around in the woods sniping people in the supermarket.

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When you are cold/wet, with your body temperature low, there is a higher chance a virus will get to you, or a bacteria (throat pain) etc. That's why when you are sick you have fever, the high temperature is bad for these virus, they rather be on a coldish body.

Yeah, you DO need to meet someone with a cold to get cold, but when you are wet, the chances of getting it from just touching where someone touched 4 hours ago is bigger.

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Well, ARMA II might be a simulator, but I don't see DayZ as a simulator. If anything, it's a sandbox survival horror. I don't care if my character can catch a cold by swimming if it brings a good way to get a deeper and more interesting gameplay.

If i'm really interested in WTF is a cold, i'll either ask TotalBiscuit or read Wikipedia.

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Bacteria gets you sick, bacteria is everywhere, when your core body temperature has dropped you are much more susceptible to getting sick.

It's a game, what is the problem?

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Yes you do get a cold by being cold that is why it is called " gettin a cold "

..... so ignorant


On the contrary, cold weather appears to stimulate the immune system, according to a study by the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, says Dr. Belilovsky. "Researchers examined the immunological responses to cold exposure and found that acute cold exposure, such as going outside without a jacket, actually appears to activate the immune system." This occurs in part by increasing the levels of circulating norepinephrine, one of the body's hormones, which works as a natural decongestant.

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Flame disclaimer: I'm in favor of the 'idea' of a temperature system; it makes sense and fits in with the hunger/thirst nicely.

This is meant to be an uber-realistic survival simulator with zombies' date=' and currently everything in the game is angled towards that - even not being able to drink seawater...

Then you drop this bombshell? There are PLENTY of things that go seriously wrong with a person exposed to low temperature for extended periods of time and you choose the one thing that won't ever happen?

And your 'cure' for catching a common cold via low temperature is antibiotics? MRSA & a zombie apocalypse, cool.

[b']My problem with this feature isn't game related: you're teaching a ton of people something false in a SIMULATOR. With the exploding playerbase of this mod there WILL be people going out into the REAL WORLD that see no problem with using antibiotics for a cold, and strengthening the erroneous belief that you get ill from being cold/wet, not being around other sick people (indoors, where you'll be when it's cold/wet).

Oh god, not one of you guys again.

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Yes you do get a cold by being cold that is why it is called " gettin a cold "

..... so ignorant

Don't call someone ignorant without elaborating as to why they are, it's conjecture.

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I don't have an opinion on this either way, I just want to say that after five minutes of research, I found out that being cold does not have any effect on getting a cold. I still like the idea, and this is the only reasonable implementation, I just want to let everyone know the facts.

"Bad weather does not cause colds," says Carl Olden, MD, a family practitioner in Yakima, Wash., who explains that Alaskans and Canadians living year-round above the Arctic Circle have no more winter colds than folks who live in Australia. "These are old wives' tales from an era when we had no ability to treat fever or other complications of infection. Folks created myths to explain what happens to protect their children from getting sick."


Medical research in the 1950s exposed 400 volunteers to cold viruses using various temperatures and conditions as variables. The result was no difference in the rate of infection between the different groups. A similar study in the late 1960s produced comparable results.


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Yes you do get a cold by being cold that is why it is called " gettin a cold "

..... so ignorant

Don't call someone ignorant without elaborating as to why they are' date=' it's conjecture.


On the contrary, cold weather appears to stimulate the immune system, according to a study by the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, says Dr. Belilovsky. "Researchers examined the immunological responses to cold exposure and found that acute cold exposure, such as going outside without a jacket, actually appears to activate the immune system." This occurs in part by increasing the levels of circulating norepinephrine, one of the body's hormones, which works as a natural decongestant.

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Yes you do get a cold by being cold that is why it is called " gettin a cold "

..... so ignorant

Don't call someone ignorant without elaborating as to why they are' date=' it's conjecture.


Agreed, it makes you look like a condescending jerk, but doesn't explain the mistake he made, IF he made any.

So cut to the chase without thinking out loud :)

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Flame disclaimer: I'm in favor of the 'idea' of a temperature system; it makes sense and fits in with the hunger/thirst nicely.

This is meant to be an uber-realistic survival simulator with zombies' date=' and currently everything in the game is angled towards that - even not being able to drink seawater...

Then you drop this bombshell? There are PLENTY of things that go seriously wrong with a person exposed to low temperature for extended periods of time and you choose the one thing that won't ever happen?

And your 'cure' for catching a common cold via low temperature is antibiotics? MRSA & a zombie apocalypse, cool.

[b']My problem with this feature isn't game related: you're teaching a ton of people something false in a SIMULATOR. With the exploding playerbase of this mod there WILL be people going out into the REAL WORLD that see no problem with using antibiotics for a cold, and strengthening the erroneous belief that you get ill from being cold/wet, not being around other sick people (indoors, where you'll be when it's cold/wet).

Oh god, not one of you guys again.

What? It was bound to happen. A bunch of people who think that 'survival realism' should trump having fun in a video game get their just desserts: they sperg out about some feature in a game that isn't 'realistic' because of some silly nitpick in a mod about a zombie apocalypse.

Guess what? Antibiotics don't cure colds either! They aren't anti-viral! Cold is a virus!

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Yes you do get a cold by being cold that is why it is called " gettin a cold "

..... so ignorant

Don't call someone ignorant without elaborating as to why they are' date=' it's conjecture.


On the contrary, cold weather appears to stimulate the immune system, according to a study by the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, says Dr. Belilovsky. "Researchers examined the immunological responses to cold exposure and found that acute cold exposure, such as going outside without a jacket, actually appears to activate the immune system." This occurs in part by increasing the levels of circulating norepinephrine, one of the body's hormones, which works as a natural decongestant.

I didn't say you were wrong, you just come off like an idiot if you make baseless claims without something to back it up.

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Doctor, I was more so pointing out the bold part.. He's one of those people who think gamers are stupid and just believe everything they are told...

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Oh, ok.

I think this was going to happen eventually anyway. Too many people asking for realism in this game about fictional things happening. Those asking for nth detail of realism will bite you in the butt over something like this.

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Honestly, I think the "realism" is going to become overkill in this game, there are going to be too many gimmicky aspects to the gameplay that you have to worry about constantly which will detracts from actually playing and having a good time.

Sometimes less is more, I just see all these things becoming a constant annoyance over time.

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WHO CARES! its a game, and a game mechanic to force players to focus more on surviving, rather than being beanherders.

ffs get a life.

And for the record, no you don't get a cold from being cold... but it works for the game, so quit all your wannabe internet educated bs, and enjoy the hard work rocket has put into the game to make it fun.

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Honestly' date=' I think the "realism" is going to become overkill in this game, there are going to be too many gimmicky aspects to the gameplay that you have to worry about constantly which will detracts from actually playing and having a good time.

Sometimes less is more, I just see all these things becoming a constant annoyance over time.


This is an experiment.. You'll see features come and go a lot. More the marrier, it pushes the boundaries of what typical games are. If you don't find it fun, then okay. It isn't for everyone.

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Apart from the implementation of the cold=getting a cold being fubar, the only thing that concerns me is that the infections will make players even more mindlessly hostile towards each other. Why even take the risk of getting an infection if it'll cost you food and medication to set it right, when you could kill people on sight and avoid all the bother.

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What a fucking waste of forum space. Has anyone even played the thing yet?!?!?

It's a *game* and a cold is the least of your concerns in this one... fucking rotting bodies laying all over the place, some virus that's turned the majority of the populace into flesh eating animals, NO working sewer (yeah, I know there are outhouses but I have yet to see anyone use one... that deuce you left in that apartment bedroom doesn't count, filthy fuckers!), NO heat, flies EVERYWHERE and pretty much everyone that isn't a zombie has been wearing the same clothes for WEEKS without a bath and have at least one untreated bullet wound festering away. And you guys are arguing about antibiotics and the common cold?

/me shakes head in disappointment

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