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Greatest Bandit Experience

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So as a survivor, I began my entrance to Chernogorsk and fell upon none other than a CZ with 8 mags. Me being a survivor and having an overall bad experience with survivors and bandits decided it was time to go bandit. I make my ascend on the ladder of the tower on the outskirts and see none other than another bandit with a survivor attempting to sneak behind him and kill him from the back. I ready my shot and lower my breath to get a steady shot, this survivor was mine and he didnt even know it. The survivor pulls out his Winchester and readies his shot think he is sneaky and all. "Boom!", his world was ended by a magnificent headshot. The bandit begins looking around and of course sees me in my new bandit skin. He believes his beans and himself were safe from me; he salutes me thinking he is safe and I'm not hostile. "Boom!", my CZ unloaded another bullet into his head. The feeling was energizing, I made my descent and toward his location, looted all his beans, ate them all, and laughed as the chat filled with comments attempting to flame me. Ah, the life of a bandit!

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