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Players who disconnect to...

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Players who disconnect to save their lives are pathetic...What's the point of the games if you're just going to DC when you're on the losing side of a fire fight.

Not sure which town I was in, maybe Stary or whatever its called (still a new player), minding my own business when I hear shots out in the distance. Luckly as I'm sneaking along I see movement ahead and its a well armed gentleman. Big pack and all. I'm not moving to give myself away (he's on the other side of a small ridge literally 20-30 feet away, so I can't shoot at him as the bullet will just hit the hill. As I think he's headed down towards town, he changes direction towards me. I hesitate just to see if he may be friendly...and then he shoots at me and I immediately shoot back. I hit him, he goes prone. I can see him there....and then he's gone. So it's ok to attempt to kill under-armed prey, but heaven forbid a newbie kill you, :). So the pansy DC's to save his skin.

I fell an easy way to alleviate this problem is to handle DC's like other MMO's where you have a certain countdown till you can safely log out, of if you DC your toon is still "in the game" for a short time. Then if commando pansy wants to DC because he can't walk the walk it doesn't matter, he gets 20 seconds like everybody else (or some fixed time limit).


Here you can see it happen around 2:40:00.

Edited by Gooch0

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Really? This is the first complaint I've ever heard about disconnecting. You bring up subjects that would otherwise be unnoticed!

Edited by Vanglory
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Rocket is working on it, what can't you people understand in that?

Well sunshine, thank you for informing me! I would assume and hope there were plans for this issue. What I didn't expect is internet rage from some Dbag in a forum, XD. Sorry mommy pissed in your cereal this morning...

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Lmao in Elektro supermarket, just running about a ghillied player walks in, As50 everything I'm behind one of the supermarket shelves he didn't see me funny. I shot him in the back twice he falls uncouncious, I'm thinking fuck yeah! I scored today! bam he DC'ed :/ wasn't to pissed but dissapointed.

Edited by Tfortacos

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Oh yes, those little bitches. This is actually the most annoying part of the game. Losing your gear - fine, hackers - fk it, I don't really care, grieving in any way - meh. But DC in a firefight is the cheapest thing ever in this game.

Yesterday for example, saw 2 guys at a white pick up, it was night in the woods. Me and a friend move in to them w/o NVGs. Took them down, sadly I could only score one hit with the M14 - 1st DC. We positioned around the Pickup and waited. 15min later they reconnect (I guess they fixed each other up on another server) they got my friend and after 10min passed or so they approached the Pickup again I dropped them both, didn't kill them - 2nd DC. I repositioned waited for 20-30min. Got shot out of nowhere and one of them typed something like L85 got you. So they Dced 2 times and then eventually got me with thermals. The best thing is, they said, after calling them out for DCing: "With our gear you would have Dced as well". WTF! stupid little bitches.

And you can't even ban for that.

Edited by *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

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Not true. If you have evidence you can get them banned.

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Not true. If you have evidence you can get them banned.

Well then if I knew the guys name I have video of it linked above. I'll have to think faster next time.

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On the server I play on a lot we got a couple of disconnecters banned. Of course in that situation you need the server admin to help out. Plus if the server admin bans the asshole its not like they can argue against it since they were disconnecting.

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I am fairly certain that this will be addressed in a patch in the near future. Fear not!

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A lot of the dcers dont even save themselves. They dc at 2-4k blood, bleeding, unconscious and will die once they log back in. That makes me smile even if I cannot loot them.

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Oh yes, those little bitches. This is actually the most annoying part of the game. Losing your gear - fine, hackers - fk it, I don't really care, grieving in any way - meh. But DC in a firefight is the cheapest thing ever in this game.

Yesterday for example, saw 2 guys at a white pick up, it was night in the woods. Me and a friend move in to them w/o NVGs. Took them down, sadly I could only score one hit with the M14 - 1st DC. We positioned around the Pickup and waited. 15min later they reconnect (I guess they fixed each other up on another server) they got my friend and after 10min passed or so they approached the Pickup again I dropped them both, didn't kill them - 2nd DC. I repositioned waited for 20-30min. Got shot out of nowhere and one of them typed something like L85 got you. So they Dced 2 times and then eventually got me with thermals. The best thing is, they said, after calling them out for DCing: "With our gear you would have Dced as well". WTF! stupid little bitches.

And you can't even ban for that.

In the 40-ish minutes you spent sitting in a bush you could have probably found 2 crash sites and killed 100 or so zeds. IDK, one sounds more fun that the other to me. Then again, gotta quench that thirst, eh.

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