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Oh no watch out im unarmed please blow me away...

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You don't like how multiplayer gaming has become, then don't play it. Quite simple. I don't normally kill unarmed people, but I think I just might take a trip down to the beach and go to town. Hell, I'll even try to make friends with some of them until they manage to find something good, then I'll blow them away and hide their body.

I've been killed plenty of times unarmed, but I don't cry and bitch about it like a butthurt child. Get over it, or don't play.

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Hey you could come across worse. I just cripple them and leave them for the zombies.

Did you do that to me? Because someone did about a week ago and the zeds chasing stopped caring XD

Oh and people shoot unarmed players because its easier to place a bullet in you then crawl through cherno.

Edited by Beanus

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