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My first murder and my first bandit experiance

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I had died and decided to camp Cherno's first aid tents in the attempt to get some good loot. I found an AK-47, 1 mag and a watch. For one reason or another the servers crashed and upon reset I was transported back to the coast. I decided that I needed to get back to Cherno as soon as possible or the loot would be taken so I ran as fast as I could.

I was just before the outskirts of Cherno, approaching from the East, running through a forest when suddenly gunfire erupted. The whizzing and Crackling of rounds past my ears then suddenly a thump ! I was hit in the leg, my bone shattered and my screen shaking and I was down to 4000 Blood. I ran ! No time to shoot, no idea where the firing was coming from I decided to hide behind a tree. A round cracked into the left side of the tree, It was coming from the north !

I ran 20 Meters south, prone dived into a bush, still bleeding, and waited. The survivor ran forward, straight into my snap ambush, I fired, unloading the whole of my AK mag into him. As soon as he went down I bandaged myself and breathed a sigh of relief.

I hobbled my way over to his corpse... It was a gold mine. Map, Compass, Toolbox, Alice backpack, DMR, G17, Ammo, Medical supplies and lots of cooked meat to replenish my blood. As I went back into third person view I noticed that I had become that I swore never to become.

A Noob, one that just spawned was running towards me, he was sprinted straight towards me and I was in a dilema. Im a Badit, he will never believe im friendly and yet I have all this cool loot, I cant loose it now. So I took aim with my new DMR and 1 shotted him to the ground. He was bleeding out and I looked at him on the ground and smiled. It felt good.

I am now... A Bandit!

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