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Suggestions to make this an amazing game. (zombies related)

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Hello, at the moment this is mostly about the players, however it should be the other way, they players should team up to kill zombies, however zombies are shit so players instead of teaming up just kill each other.


1- Make zombies spawn in wilderness too and not only near towns/houses. (will increase the lag because more zombies will spawn.)

2- Slightly increase the zombie spawn (so it doesn't lag much more.)

3- Create special zombies who are hard as fuck to kill , they will down you in 1 hit and have an incredible ammount of life,doesn't slow down inside houses(gets 20% slowed down so that you dont die for going against a wall or something. also if they got slowed down it would be too easy to kill them. So that players actually are scared of finding one and start to teamup with other people, this will also apply in the wilderness.)

Maybe make them spawn: 1 every 50 or 1 every 100. And if a player dies agains't a zombie the zombie will auto become one of these and won't dissapear even if no players around. (he'll just wait for another player.)

4- Create hordes of zombies. At the moment this only happens if you shoot near towns and stuff, but imagine being in your tents in the wilderness with your 5 clan mates and 40 zombies just show up out of nowhere and start attacking you and your clan mates. It would be epic because they wouldn't expect and would shit themselves

Edited by sumusiko

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1 + 2 i agree

3 + 4 sounds like they're for left for dead

besides 4 already happens if you're careless

personally i dont feel it would fit in however 1 and 2 i agree with 100%

Edited by blinkerty

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All of these ideas have been suggested before; just a heads up that the concept is out there already.

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