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Dropped flashlight. How can I get a character reset?

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Just started playing DayZ today. I tried to find out how to equip my flashlight by pressing bunch of random stuff and it turns out that I've dropped my flashlight. It's night time in every server I join so there's a good chance of me not finding my flashlight. Can I get a character reset so I can start off with a brand new bag? Thanks.

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Just click re-spawn. To be honest though, you really shouldn't use the flashlight, it will just get you killed.

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no, if your really desperate for a new flash light then you have 3 choices

1) find one

2) restart by getting killed/clicking respawn from game menu

3) kill someone and take thiers (provided you have some way to kill them)

and on the upside if you fail at option 3 you get to automatically go with option 2

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Respawn. Hit esc, and then respawn. Abort to lobby, and rejoin. To use a flashlight; right click it while it's in your toolbelt and equip it. Read the DayZ wiki. It will make things easier for you.

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ffs, dont feed the troll :facepalm:

Lol, I'm not trolling.

Thanks everyone for the replies.

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