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[Suggestion] Increased use for Empty Tin Cans

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As of now,

We have several empty tin cans around the world that are fairly common in many places. As many know, the only use of a Empty tin can is as a distraction for zombies, which doesn't always work (Yes, I realize it's still Alpha). With regards to an increased use of cans comes to my suggestion:

While walking around the world I see several patches of vegetables and fruits, which have no use other than visual. Thus to make us of these, it would be possible to can these fruits by first harvesting them with a hunting knife and then sealing it in an Empty Tin Can. The process could most likely be enhanced to be more difficult following the theme of scavenging in DayZ.

Tell me what you think,

Best Regards,


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I like that. We've already got pumpkins in a lot of places. Could also use them as impromptu water cans.

Fun fact: if you hit someone with a tin can your humanity goes down :)

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They should add string and let you connect tin cans to either end to make an impromptu communication device that would allow you to talk to your friends from up to 10 meters away! :D

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love the idea of actually being able to eat the fruit and veg around the island, though how would you explain being able to seal an old tin can?

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They should add string and let you connect tin cans to either end to make an impromptu communication device that would allow you to talk to your friends from up to 10 meters away! :D

"Special school takes a trip to the end of the world."

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