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"saved/Unsaved" needs to come back!!!

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I found NVGs... got really excited. Ran into a tree line and DC'd to end my day. Logged back at night to play with my toy and i never had it. Server must have been lagging before i DC'd. Would be nice to know when it last saved.

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YES SERIOUSLY. why was this ever removed, it's more than vital to how you play the game. i always have to sit in a bush for a few minutes before aborting just to make sure the stuff i took from my tent or vehicles will be there when i come back.

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YES SERIOUSLY. why was this ever removed, it's more than vital to how you play the game. i always have to sit in a bush for a few minutes before aborting just to make sure the stuff i took from my tent or vehicles will be there when i come back.

I know man... Night Vision goggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i Have never had them before, and i wanted to wreak havoc on the blind zombies and bandits that roamed Chenarus in the dark! But intsead i was back to playing in the daytime with no NVGs. This all could have been avoided if it simply let me know when i last saved.

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