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Stuck on loading need help!

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I Search a lot of solutions before create this topic.. none work

i try everthing, battleye reinstall, copy and past the folders

unistall and install beta patches and the role game

none work.. i have the last patch 95208 and always get stuck on loading in some server

sometimes conect..

but when i stuck on loading is the loading after the waiting for char to create

and when i connect and play is right after the waiting for char..without loading after

why i'm stuck?

ps sry for bad english

Edited by rogi_

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Give it a few minutes there are more concurrent users than ever and servers are getting slammed

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Dude i wait a lot.. like 10 min after close with ctrl+alt+del

when i connect take no more than 2 min..

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I had this problem aswell. It turned out that I just didn't wait long enough. I usually have to wait for about 3 minutes max. Then I just exit.

Try to find a server that doesn't have many people and a low ping. I usually play on servers with 7/40 people or so and around 30-50 ping.

Also, do you use SixUpdater? that solved the installing part for me.

Also, take a look at this:


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i was having the same problem (just bought it off steam on sale yesterday like half of the newer player base did) and i found that if it hasnt put u thru in about 5 min, just ctrl+alt+del and try to connect to another until one works. took me around 4 tries but i finally got into one (this was using six launcher)

and like the person above said try to find one with around 10 ppl or less and the least ping you can find (also help to choose one located near you)

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I had this problem aswell. It turned out that I just didn't wait long enough. I usually have to wait for about 3 minutes max. Then I just exit.

Try to find a server that doesn't have many people and a low ping. I usually play on servers with 7/40 people or so and around 30-50 ping.

Also, do you use SixUpdater? that solved the installing part for me.

Also, take a look at this:


Hi Nighthawk4,

Its true what you say but im in a clan and i cant join the clans host server. What am i to do there? Ive tried to join servers you suggested and it works but i need to join my clans server

Edited by SpareChange

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Hey guys this is my first post here and i think i can help.

I was having this problem since i updated to the latest beta patch 1.62.95417 and Dayz version

I used six launcher and updater to see if that would help but, unfortunately it didn't seem to help the situation.

You are getting stuck on the loading screen because you are joining a server with the incorrect beta patch version.

For example I join servers that say something like DayZ- US ( 95417) and it works every time. Check the server information before you join to see if it matches your own.

I hope this helps

Edited by Mysteryphil

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Hey guys this is my first post here and i think i can help.

I was having this problem since i updated to the latest beta patch 1.62.95417 and Dayz version

I used six launcher and updater to see if that would help but, unfortunately it didn't seem to help the situation.

You are getting stuck on the loading screen because you are joining a server with the incorrect beta patch version.

For example I join servers that say something like DayZ- US ( 95417) and it works every time. Check the server information before you join to see if it matches your own.

I hope this helps

It does nothing.

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