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Cardinal Red

Looking for Group/Companion

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I've been playing DayZ for about a week now and I'm starting to acknowledge the necessity of being part of a team rather than being a lone-gunner. I don't get killed a huge deal, but I always end up dying in predictable situations. I'm looking for someone who is at least 16, and have a decent level of maturity. I'd rather not have kids screaming random stuff down my mic. I'm UK based, but I really don't mind any players situated outside of the UK, such as Europe or even the US, so long as our timings match up. I'm willing to use TeamSpeak or Skype as a form of communication in DayZ. My Steam is Deverauxe if you wanna add me, or you can drop a post here. Thanks! :)

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I'll play with you. I have been watching youtube vids for a while and I am download Combined Ops as we speak. I have a deep voice, 14 years old. I am mature. Add me on Skype, blazelflack1 Yes I see you want someone at least 16 but I think it shouldn't be too bad. I can only play every other week.

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hey, I am in pacific time zone, west coast US, 22 years old and am open to play with you and exchange skype info, my steam name is madmike631

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Hey, Im in for some dayz.

Steam: pinapplesj

SKype: adri8sj

Edited by Aidman

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Napon, could be a bit more specific bud, there's a ton of people on Steam with the filter 'Napon' :P. Have you got any other form of communication? Or if just Steam, could specify which Napon? Such as the dp, your nationality or something?

Some of you I've added on Skype too so once you've accepted just drop me a call or message and we could get something going :)

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