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Suggestions: Grouping, Map, Profiles

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Hi, Firstly i am not sure if these topics have been covered by others or not and i am sorry for not looking harder although i haven't seen any directly linked to these.


I was thinking if you could implement a system were you can start a group or squad with a friend before joining in game thus allowing these players to spawn closer together like side by side towns for example Kamenka and Komarovo or even balota. I am aware that it is possible to be two towns apart although it is usually not the case. This would also require you to have the option to add or remove players from your squad in game. for example if a squad member kills someone they are clearly told not to then you would remove them.


I was thinking that players could spawn with a map that would start completely blank and as you travel it updates (like shroud). This would give players a better sense of direction especially if you cant read the Russian in game signposts. You could leave the original maps in game but make them update your starting map, adding new towns and locations. also maps could have key structures on them like hospitals and shops ect. (I've never seen an in game map and am sorry if key buildings already appear.)


Ok so yesterday i was playing with two friends and we were doing pretty good average ammo and weapons and some good supplies we were doing good. but then one of us had to leave and so that we didn't lose each other we all logged out. i was wondering if it would be possible to use the profile system to allow you to log into the game on a new character (starter character). Allowing you to play on without your friends and switch profile afterwards when they come back on-line the next day.

Well that is all i can think of now and thanks for reading :)

Connor AKM 0 ammo :( What a mod... INSANE

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