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I would like to see a Diary & Camera option in DayZ

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Hi there,

I was listening to the interview Rocket had with Sidestrafe and thought of the idea of having a diary option in dayz and along with that a camera option to take stills around the island

Essentially you have to find loot that represents the notes section of the objectives / map screen. This loot would be in the form of a book i.e the diary. The player then has the diary on his person while in their inventory and they can add text and sign it with their name if so desired.

If the player was killed another player may find his diary and have some reading material while not running from Z's.

Was thinking you could find a pen as well to enable the player to write to their diary. I think this could really create some great stories and give players the options to leave notes or notices in areas!

The camera idea is along the same lines. Find an in game disposable camera and take snaps, maybe put some in your diary or something like that.

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Adding to your idea about the cameras, there should be a screenshot option that would actually save a hard copy to your computer in the case that you find something wacky or interesting and you want to save the memento. I think this idea would be great. Way to think outside the box

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Adding to your idea about the cameras, there should be a screenshot option that would actually save a hard copy to your computer in the case that you find something wacky or interesting and you want to save the memento. I think this idea would be great. Way to think outside the box

Yeah I don't think a screenshot button in such is needed, but I get what you are saying. I mean you can Prt-Screen and get a hard copy to your ms paint. Or use the screenshot button in steam. But if you created the camera option in there it would make the picture much more special imo. Imagine your character had one shot left in his camera and took one final picture of the Z that killed them. Then some other player picks up the film develops it in town and see's your story from your prospective!

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Developing it might turn a player off from looking at it. perhaps just make it a Polaroid?

Yeah even handier I suppose, would probably be easier to implement I imagine. Polaroid looks like a good option!

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I was actually just thinking about this!

good thing I did a search and you already put a thread up about it (nicely written and fleshed out too)


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I was actually just thinking about this!

good thing I did a search and you already put a thread up about it (nicely written and fleshed out too)


Thanks, yeah I genuinely think it will be feature at some point, as it is a realistic option in an apocalyptic type scenario, many voices will want to be heard! When I eventually have a PC to run Arma2 again I hope it is there!

EDIT:Awesome tumblr btw! The screenshots you have taken look great, must have a nice rig!

Edited by TasmanianDevil

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Sounds like an awsome idea, I hope it's considered. You get my beans!

Yeah I hope so too buddy!

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How come this didn't get more responses this is brilliant!

Ah not to worry, if it is a valid option it may be considered at some point!

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I have to bump this idea. I just thought about this while writing about what happened to me in the game on my blog. I thought it would be very cool to have a camera option. Even finding it as an item would be great.

I know it might be a little much to ask but maybe they could team up with the company Instagram. The first game to work with a photo website! Different filters = Different cameras. Just an idea.

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It would be cool to read someones journal and see what kind of life they had. for example a bandit may carry around pictures of his victims and what loot he took from them. or a survivor may have used it to keep track of the people he has encountered friendly or not.

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It would be cool to read someones journal and see what kind of life they had. for example a bandit may carry around pictures of his victims and what loot he took from them. or a survivor may have used it to keep track of the people he has encountered friendly or not.


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This would actually be a very good addition in my opinion. Who knows, perhaps when a bandit kills someone and steals their journal, then they might suddenly feel guilt that they killed a human being rather than merely a set of pixels (immersion). I think it would add to the emotional impact of the game, like when you find journals on dead NPC's in open-world RPGs.

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It ain't a bad idea at all. I've come across so many situations that I've wanted to capture, but was too "lazy" to take a screenshot.

I'm all in for this.

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The Camera Idea is great. I would love to see an option in the camera to take photos that are then translated into 2D top down maps. Complicated I know, hear me out, lets say you and bro want to raid the airfield you just came upon. You take a photo if your friend is 5ft from you, scroll wheel on him, BAM! You have a 2D topical map on his screen and yours.You can draw on the map and sort of do a red/blue rainbow 6 look alike. Game plan made, raid time. This doesn't really make sense being a camera, I know that. So lets say Military camera or something.

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Well, I support this idea fully. I think alongside player diares should be audio tapes, pictures, and wirtten ones. These are not player written, they are dev done, like you could find a audio tape about a man near death. Something to lower morale, sort of a way to make this mod more and more immersive.

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I would like to see features in the diary too

like drawing, a Topographical map on pages, and pinning photos in it.

page 1,2 will be full size map, 3,4,5 and 6 will be zoom in on the NW SW SE and NE part of the map.

behind that will be paper you can write on or stamp pictures you took with your camera.

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