Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) And to the haters - i hope to meet u ingame :)server? this is... deep... Edited July 23, 2012 by Azrail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nomonater 2 Posted July 23, 2012 awechift how many days are you on with those kills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powell (DayZ) 734 Posted July 23, 2012 You farmed...nothing special Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lockzhere 0 Posted July 23, 2012 You have 4 zombies killed.... You are a hacker. <_<What does that have to do with anything? I can loot Crash sites all day long and never aggro a Zed. If you go in running like a complete dumbshit you'll aggro.Also, on a side note. How do you know he didn't die? and just got his stuff back, considering his mates have the Weapon support available to protect everyone else and his Corpse till he gets there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispow 3 Posted July 23, 2012 Three weeks to collect that? You guys are really bad.Also laughed at the "I'm our squads sniper" yet you have one headshot out of 13 murders.This is a good thing. You're a moronic sniper if you aim for the head, especially if you are using a .50 calibre sniper rifle. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herb (DayZ) 121 Posted July 23, 2012 Also laughed at the "I'm our squads sniper" yet you have one headshot out of 13 murders.implying headshots refer to murders Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Food 309 Posted July 23, 2012 Still not as much as us :PSadly I can't take a picture as I'm in Elektro after getting killed by ghoster... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RapturJesus 90 Posted July 23, 2012 Three weeks to collect that? You guys are really bad.Also laughed at the "I'm our squads sniper" yet you have one headshot out of 13 murders.A chest is a bigger and easier target. One bullet is more than enough to kill. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qweets 31 Posted July 23, 2012 funny thing is that ghillies do not spawn anymore in this version, they aren't even in the loot table anymore. Those ghillies are all duped. I was farming for a ghillie for like 2 days straight went to at least 30 different downed choppers they had no ghillies then I read on the forums that they were taken out of the loot table and there is proof of this in the actual game files they are no longer there, only way you can get it is from someone who already had one still before this latest patch.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zestykunt 3 Posted July 23, 2012 funny thing is that ghillies do not spawn anymore in this version, they aren't even in the loot table anymore. Those ghillies are all duped. I was farming for a ghillie for like 2 days straight went to at least 30 different downed choppers they had no ghillies then I read on the forums that they were taken out of the loot table and there is proof of this in the actual game files they are no longer there, only way you can get it is from someone who already had one still before this latest patch.. funny thing is you're full of shit and ghillies do spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qweets 31 Posted July 23, 2012 funny thing is you're full of shit and ghillies do spawn.Actually they fuckin don't look it up.. They are no longer in the loot table Rocket took them out because of the issues with them in 1.7.2 so doesn't have them in the loot table for choppers or residential.. I looked for 20+ hours over 2 days and never found anything. I'm not full of shit idiot.. Go look it up on the forums people have posted proof from digging through the mod files. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qweets 31 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) Here is your proof idiot. They do not spawn in this version, they are not in the loot files.. Go ahead and look. This is from the Dayz_code.pbo file.class CfgLoot {trash = {{"TrashTinCan", "TrashJackDaniels", "ItemSodaEmpty"}, {1, 0.100000, 0.500000}};civilian = {{"TrashTinCan", "TrashJackDaniels", "ItemSodaEmpty", "ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "FoodCanBakedBeans", "FoodCanSardines", "FoodCanFrankBeans", "FoodCanPasta", "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", "7Rnd_45ACP_1911", "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug", "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets", "ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller"}, {0.090000, 0.090000, 0.090000, 0.120000, 0.090000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.070000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.060000, 0.060000}};food = {{"TrashTinCan", "TrashJackDaniels", "ItemSodaEmpty", "ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "FoodCanBakedBeans", "FoodCanSardines", "FoodCanFrankBeans", "FoodCanPasta", "ItemBandage"}, {0.130000, 0.130000, 0.130000, 0.090000, 0.130000, 0.090000, 0.090000, 0.090000, 0.090000, 0.040000}};generic = {{"TrashTinCan", "ItemSodaEmpty", "ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "TrashJackDaniels", "FoodCanBakedBeans", "FoodCanSardines", "FoodCanFrankBeans", "FoodCanPasta", "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled", "ItemWaterbottle", "ItemBandage", "7Rnd_45ACP_1911", "5x_22_LR_17_HMR", "10x_303", "6Rnd_45ACP", "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug", "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets", "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", "15Rnd_W1866_Slug", "BoltSteel", "HandRoadFlare", "ItemPainkiller", "HandChemGreen", "HandChemBlue", "HandChemRed", "ItemHeatPack"}, {0.060000, 0.060000, 0.060000, 0.040000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.110000, 0.030000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.090000, 0.020000, 0.040000, 0.070000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.030000, 0.030000, 0.040000}};medical = {{"ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller", "ItemMorphine", "ItemEpinephrine", "ItemHeatPack"}, {1, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.200000, 0.100000}};hospital = {{"ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller", "ItemMorphine", "ItemEpinephrine", "ItemBloodbag", "ItemAntibiotic"}, {0.430000, 0.170000, 0.130000, 0.090000, 0.170000, 0.020000}};military = {{"TrashTinCan", "ItemSodaEmpty", "ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "ItemBandage", "ItemPainkiller", "ItemMorphine", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "20Rnd_762x51_DMR", "17Rnd_9x19_glock17", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9", "30Rnd_762x39_AK47", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "5Rnd_762x51_M24", "10Rnd_127x99_m107", "8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "FlareWhite_M203", "FlareGreen_M203", "1Rnd_Smoke_M203", "200Rnd_556x45_M249", "HandGrenade_west", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellGreen", "8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_9x19_MP5", "30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", "100Rnd_762x51_M240", "HandChemGreen", "HandChemBlue", "HandChemRed", "ItemHeatPack"}, {0.180000, 0.090000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.040000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 0.040000}};policeman = {{"ItemBandage", "7Rnd_45ACP_1911", "6Rnd_45ACP", "15Rnd_W1866_Slug", "8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", "HandRoadFlare"}, {1, 0.800000, 0.300000, 0.300000, 0.500000, 0.300000}};hunter = {{"ItemBandage", "5x_22_LR_17_HMR", "7Rnd_45ACP_1911", "10x_303", "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled", "BoltSteel", "ItemHeatPack"}, {1, 0.500000, 0.200000, 0.500000, 0.200000, 1, 0.200000}};};class CfgBuildingLoot {class Default {zombieChance = 0;minRoaming = 0;maxRoaming = 2;zombieClass = {"zZombie_Base", "z_hunter", "z_teacher", "z_suit1", "z_suit2", "z_worker1", "z_worker2", "z_worker3", "z_villager1", "z_villager2", "z_villager3"};lootChance = 0;lootPos = {};itemType = {};itemChance = {};hangPos = {};vehPos = {};};class Master {weapons = {"SMAW", "Javelin", "G36C", "Stinger"};};class Residential: Default {zombieChance = 0.300000;maxRoaming = 2;zombieClass = {"zZombie_Base", "z_hunter", "z_teacher", "z_villager1", "z_villager2", "z_villager3"};lootChance = 0.400000;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"ItemSodaMdew", "magazine"}, {"ItemWatch", "generic"}, {"ItemCompass", "generic"}, {"ItemMap", "weapon"}, {"Makarov", "weapon"}, {"Colt1911", "weapon"}, {"ItemFlashlight", "generic"}, {"ItemKnife", "generic"}, {"ItemMatchbox", "generic"}, {"", "generic"}, {"LeeEnfield", "weapon"}, {"revolver_EP1", "weapon"}, {"CZ_VestPouch_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1", "object"}, {"Winchester1866", "weapon"}, {"WeaponHolder_ItemTent", "object"}, {"", "military"}, {"", "trash"}, {"Crossbow", "weapon"}, {"Binocular", "weapon"}, {"PartWoodPile", "magazine"}, {"WeaponHolder_MeleeCrowbar", "object"}, {"MR43", "weapon"}};itemChance = {0.010000, 0.150000, 0.050000, 0.030000, 0.130000, 0.050000, 0.030000, 0.080000, 0.060000, 2, 0.060000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.030000, 0.030000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.030000, 0.500000, 0.010000, 0.060000, 0.060000, 0.080000, 0.030000};};class Industrial: Default {zombieChance = 0.400000;zombieClass = {"z_worker1", "z_worker2", "z_worker3"};maxRoaming = 2;lootChance = 0.300000;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"", "generic"}, {"", "trash"}, {"", "military"}, {"WeaponHolder_PartGeneric", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_PartWheel", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_PartFueltank", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_PartEngine", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_PartGlass", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_PartVRotor", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan", "object"}, {"WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet", "object"}, {"ItemKnife", "military"}, {"ItemToolbox", "weapon"}, {"ItemWire", "magazine"}, {"ItemTankTrap", "magazine"}};itemChance = {0.180000, 0.290000, 0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.110000, 0.070000, 0.020000, 0.060000, 0.040000};};class Farm: Default {zombieChance = 0.300000;maxRoaming = 3;zombieClass = {"zZombie_Base", "z_hunter", "z_hunter", "z_hunter", "z_villager1", "z_villager2", "z_villager3"};lootChance = 0.500000;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan", "object"}, {"", "generic"}, {"huntingrifle", "weapon"}, {"LeeEnfield", "weapon"}, {"Winchester1866", "weapon"}, {"", "trash"}, {"Crossbow", "weapon"}, {"PartWoodPile", "magazine"}, {"WeaponHolder_ItemHatchet", "object"}, {"MR43", "weapon"}, {"TrapBear", "magazine"}};itemChance = {0.060000, 0.280000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.030000, 0.220000, 0.030000, 0.110000, 0.170000, 0.060000, 0.010000};};class Supermarket: Default {lootChance = 0.600000;minRoaming = 2;maxRoaming = 6;zombieChance = 0.300000;zombieClass = {"zZombie_Base", "zZombie_Base", "z_teacher", "z_suit1", "z_suit2"};itemType = {{"ItemWatch", "generic"}, {"ItemCompass", "generic"}, {"ItemMap", "weapon"}, {"Makarov", "weapon"}, {"Colt1911", "weapon"}, {"ItemFlashlight", "generic"}, {"ItemKnife", "generic"}, {"ItemMatchbox", "generic"}, {"", "generic"}, {"LeeEnfield", "weapon"}, {"revolver_EP1", "weapon"}, {"CZ_VestPouch_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1", "object"}, {"Winchester1866", "weapon"}, {"WeaponHolder_ItemTent", "object"}, {"", "food"}, {"", "trash"}, {"Crossbow", "weapon"}, {"Binocular", "weapon"}, {"PartWoodPile", "magazine"}, {"MR43", "weapon"}};itemChance = {0.150000, 0.010000, 0.050000, 0.020000, 0.020000, 0.050000, 0.020000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.030000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.300000, 0.150000, 0.010000, 0.050000, 0.020000, 0.010000};};class HeliCrash: Default {zombieChance = 0;maxRoaming = 2;zombieClass = {"z_soldier_pilot"};lootChance = 0.500000;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"FN_FAL", "weapon"}, {"bizon_silenced", "weapon"}, {"M14_EP1", "weapon"}, {"FN_FAL_ANPVS4", "weapon"}, {"M107_DZ", "weapon"}, {"BAF_AS50_scoped", "weapon"}, {"Mk_48_DZ", "weapon"}, {"M249_DZ", "weapon"}, {"BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS", "weapon"}, {"DMR", "weapon"}, {"", "military"}, {"", "medical"}, {"MedBox0", "object"}, {"NVGoggles", "weapon"}, {"AmmoBoxSmall_556", "object"}, {"AmmoBoxSmall_762", "object"}};itemChance = {0.020000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.030000, 0.050000, 0.010000, 0.100000, 1, 0.500000, 0.100000, 0.010000, 0.100000, 0.100000};};class Hospital: Default {zombieChance = 0.400000;minRoaming = 2;maxRoaming = 6;zombieClass = {"z_doctor", "z_doctor", "z_doctor"};lootChance = 1;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"", "trash"}, {"", "hospital"}, {"MedBox0", "object"}};itemChance = {0.200000, 0.500000, 0.500000};};class Military: Default {zombieChance = 0.300000;maxRoaming = 6;zombieClass = {"z_soldier", "z_soldier_heavy", "z_policeman"};lootChance = 0.400000;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"M9", "weapon"}, {"M16A2", "weapon"}, {"M16A2GL", "weapon"}, {"M9SD", "weapon"}, {"AK_47_M", "weapon"}, {"AK_74", "weapon"}, {"M4A1_Aim", "weapon"}, {"AKS_74_kobra", "weapon"}, {"AKS_74_U", "weapon"}, {"AK_47_M", "weapon"}, {"M24", "weapon"}, {"M1014", "weapon"}, {"DMR", "weapon"}, {"M4A1", "weapon"}, {"M14_EP1", "weapon"}, {"UZI_EP1", "weapon"}, {"Remington870_lamp", "weapon"}, {"glock17_EP1", "weapon"}, {"MP5A5", "weapon"}, {"MP5SD", "weapon"}, {"M4A3_CCO_EP1", "weapon"}, {"Binocular", "weapon"}, {"ItemFlashlightRed", "military"}, {"ItemKnife", "military"}, {"ItemGPS", "weapon"}, {"ItemMap", "military"}, {"DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_Backpack_EP1", "object"}, {"", "medical"}, {"", "generic"}, {"", "military"}, {"ItemEtool", "weapon"}, {"ItemSandbag", "magazine"}};itemChance = {0.050000, 0.050000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.200000, 0.150000, 0.010000, 0.080000, 0.050000, 0.050000, 0.010000, 0.100000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.050000, 0.080000, 0.100000, 0.040000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.060000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.010000, 0.050000, 0.060000, 0.040000, 0.020000, 0.100000, 1.000000, 2.500000, 0.050000, 0.020000};};class MilitarySpecial: Default {zombieChance = 0.400000;minRoaming = 2;maxRoaming = 6;zombieClass = {"z_soldier_heavy"};lootChance = 0.400000;lootPos = {};itemType = {{"M16A2", "weapon"}, {"M16A2GL", "weapon"}, {"M249_DZ", "weapon"}, {"M9SD", "weapon"}, {"M136", "weapon"}, {"AK_47_M", "weapon"}, {"AK_74", "weapon"}, {"M4A1_Aim", "weapon"}, {"AKS_74_kobra", "weapon"}, {"AKS_74_U", "weapon"}, {"AK_47_M", "weapon"}, {"M24", "weapon"}, {"SVD_CAMO", "weapon"}, {"M1014", "weapon"}, {"M107_DZ", "weapon"}, {"DMR", "weapon"}, {"M4A1", "weapon"}, {"M14_EP1", "weapon"}, {"UZI_EP1", "weapon"}, {"Remington870_lamp", "weapon"}, {"glock17_EP1", "weapon"}, {"M240_DZ", "weapon"}, {"M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", "weapon"}, {"M16A4_ACG", "weapon"}, {"M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", "weapon"}, {"Mk_48_DZ", "weapon"}, {"M4A3_CCO_EP1", "weapon"}, {"AmmoBoxSmall_556", "object"}, {"AmmoBoxSmall_762", "object"}, {"NVGoggles", "weapon"}, {"Binocular", "weapon"}, {"ItemFlashlightRed", "military"}, {"ItemKnife", "military"}, {"ItemGPS", "weapon"}, {"ItemMap", "military"}, {"Binocular_Vector", "military"}, {"DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1", "object"}, {"DZ_Backpack_EP1", "object"}, {"", "medical"}, {"", "generic"}, {"", "military"}, {"PipeBomb", "magazine"}};itemChance = {0.100000, 0.050000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.200000, 0.100000, 0.020000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.200000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.100000, 0.030000, 0.200000, 0.100000, 0.200000, 0.010000, 0.040000, 0.050000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.080000, 0.040000, 0.020000, 0.010000, 0.100000, 0.050000, 0.150000, 0.010000, 0.030000, 0.010000, 0.020000, 0.030000, 0.020000, 0.300000, 1.000000, 5.000000, 0.010000};}; Edited July 23, 2012 by Qweets 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Food 309 Posted July 23, 2012 Actually they fuckin don't look it up.. They are no longer in the loot table Rocket took them out because of the issues with them in 1.7.2 so doesn't have them in the loot table for choppers or residential.. I looked for 20+ hours over 2 days and never found anything. I'm not full of shit idiot.. Go look it up on the forums people have posted proof from digging through the mod files.WHO THE FUCK SPENDS 20+ 20+ hours??? wtf..????????????wtf??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qweets 31 Posted July 23, 2012 WHO THE FUCK SPENDS 20+ 20+ hours??? wtf..????????????wtf???I do, its not easy and quick farming downed choppers and rummaging through cherno etc. It takes time, i'd find choppers on one server then goto the next and do it there etc. Took a long time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted July 23, 2012 The funny thing is - there is not a silenced L85 Version in the Game. The first two of the left has this version. What should say that to us? ;)nice try dude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) man i hate the community in this're not cool.Its true this game has some read tards who don't know when to shut up. Edited July 23, 2012 by witalit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) We got all that stuff in less then 1 day (i came back from camping Sunday 2 o clock GMT+1) from then till 00:00 o clock we raided the following items (these are just the items i remember we raided about 75 Weapons + nearly unlimited Ammo):Weapons:6 x AS505 x LA854 x Bison SD2 x M16 M2034 x M4A1 CCO2 x M4A1 CCO SD3 x M4A3 CCOand much more(nearly every Weapon except the Dragunov)3 x g-suits4 x CamoMedics for about a decadenearly every tool (NV goggle/GPS etc.)Vehicles:1 UAZ1 Ural Civilian1 Bus....(S1203)where we get it? No we are not camping crash sites.. we located enemy tent-camps (about 4 x 8 tents on different spots). we just wait every day till the Nerds fill em up then we raid em empty. Edited July 23, 2012 by CrazyIvan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
euryale 72 Posted July 23, 2012 I see the hate machine's been rolling... And haters've been hating.Jealous bunch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StealthyBrayden 6 Posted July 23, 2012 Good to see hard work has benefited you and your gang! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EnermaX 59 Posted July 23, 2012 Zombies killed: 4. Haha. In 3 weeks. Silenced L85? Not ingame. Hacked in.Get lost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ganjastar 53 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) if you didn't dupe any of the items, then i gotta say nice job :) Edited July 23, 2012 by Ganjastar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tinit 54 Posted July 23, 2012 hard to say it isnt duped if ghillies aint in game anymore lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 7 Posted July 23, 2012 Well i guess u guys are really stupid or plain blind! Its over 3 weeks! And guilles spawned for us at crash sites untill like a week ago, plus we raid every camp we meet ofc aswell!But as i knew when i posted this picture! 80 % would hate and cry about dupz and hack. Just makes me laugh even harder. Get a life kids or play a game where u have succes.And to the retards that think we have L85 with silenced................................ MORONS! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Escargot 5 Posted July 23, 2012 I've had 3 guillie suits from a tent, and it's a crap picture but that looks to me like, (starting from the left)AS50, AS50, L85AWS, M14AIM, AS50, AS50 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites