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Is it impossible for Players to help you?

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So I've been playing about 2 weeks on and off, first week I spent dieing and learning. Maybe the beginning of the week I start again and head north. I have no clue where I am but I stumble on what appears to be a place where horses live. No Zeds around so i loot the place and find a Winchester and 2 mags (the first weapon apart from an axe since I started). So not know the weapon I thought shooting in a overly populated village off z's was smart. Nope. I take damage, I run, I shoot. Finally dispatched all the zombies, and no more ammo, oh and not to mention I have 2100 blood. So my screen blurry as anything I start heading into a wood. I emerge the otherside and I can't believe it, I'm back at cherno.. So I'm thinking this place has to have new players that will help me with a blood transfusion. So I hastily make my way to the hospital roof, stock up on bps, bandages and morphine then I start walking around. I'm walking around through every building, finding all this look (Alice Pack, Compass, Map, 7 Makarov Mags, untold food/water, No weapon <- lol) but yeah, 30 minutes I'm walking and I thought this is stupid, so I unmute my mic and start sprinting everywhere shouting "friendly!!". No response, 30 minutes and I didn't meet a single player or bandit, the server had 50/50 players so I said to myself, fuck this, and logged out. Moral of the story, don't be a retard and fire a loud weapon if your a noob and playing solo -_-

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You were a noob once aswell

That's what he means, you've missed the point.

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Well if you don't care about staying in character, you can go somewhere close to the coast, kill yourself (draw agro) and then re spawn and loot your body.

Now if you want to stay to the RP, you'll have to wait for someone to show up for a bit. If there's global chat, even better, just don't give away your exact location. That or get a friend to come help.

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50/50 players:

13 in cherno

10 in elektro

10 in berezino

10 NW airfield

5 travelers up north

1 teleporting around

1 you

I suggest finding a map.

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You're a noob. Play more. Someone will help you. If a person(s) has a gun, run away from him. There's a 70% chance he'll say "friendly" then shoot you.

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help yourself

matchbox, knife, hatchet -> off to the woods and hunt animals. try to find a cow, 8x800 blood.

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