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Be able to start with a friend

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I have a few friends i want to play with but we cant ever find eachother. what is needed is ONLY when you gotta respawn u can join your friend if he is also respawning because in real life could also start with friends

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I've heard people talk a lot about wanting to spawn near friends or in certain places. The answer to all of these is, of course, no. We're not going to let people magically transport to wherever they want to be regardless of whether or not their friends are there.

This idea is actually not that bad, however. I don't think I would support it, personally, but your rationale that two people might be together at the start of an apocalypse is valid. It wouldn't unbalance the game at all, really, since both players would start on the same footing as everyone else.

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I'd love it if I could just spawn in within 2km of my friends. Far enough that navigating is still a challenge, but close enough it won't take 20 mins to meet up.

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PLAY PLAY PLAY PLAY. you'll learn the map and finding friends IS the most easiest thing in this game.

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In my opinion finding friends is one of the most fun things you can do in this game. Removing it is just wrong.

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I agree with thread starter. At the moment its just ridicolouos. I only want to play with my friends. At the moment people just kill themselves and respawn anyway. It'd be much better if you could choose "spawning area", like a big box or something on the map.

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I agree with thread starter. At the moment its just ridicolouos. I only want to play with my friends. At the moment people just kill themselves and respawn anyway. It'd be much better if you could choose "spawning area"' date=' like a big box or something on the map.


With your said suggestion,

The towns such as Cherno or Elecktro would be filled with bandits more than they already are. Let alone the thought that there is more survivors, Bandits just seem to be superior according to the stats on the main page. This would create an increased issue with PVPing from Bandits and people just going back to towns to loot there body. Personally people complain enough about bandits, we DON'T need towns overrun with them. I like to think Im not playing CoD, if Im playing DayZ, this would only hurt that.

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well u say finding friends is the fun part but anytime i see another player they shoot me and kill me. seems unfair so i gave up on game. as i said start with friends only when you both respawn

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Nope. People should not be allowed to control their spawn point ever. If you and your friends are across the map from each other, then have a grand old adventure trying to meet up.

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