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Respawn with same equipment

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So, the problem is, I spawn, everything is okay, then I find some Items I take them and continue playing. Then I disconnect and reconnect and my equipment is resetted . I lost everything I found and got just the equipment I had a few weeks ago. EverythingI found since that day is gone...

Does anyone know this problem?

I bought CB operations on Steam and run on wind 7

I've downloaded six updater and actualised the game.

Edited by R0LLEN

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Happens to me very often, too.

I thought it was the server lagging but then it happens on every server.

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The hive sometimes creates 2 chars when entering a bad hive server. I made a topic about this but it was removed ( Sneaky mods)

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Hello. I've just signed up because I wanted to report a similar problem.

I was on the outskirts of Berezino yesterday when I logged off. Today I joined a server I'd never used before, when the game loaded there was a message in the bottom-left corner of the screen saying that I had been killed along with a few other players. I had spawned in the middle of noware, just grass and no features. I forced the game to quit, hoping that the bug would not wipe my character from the hive. When I joined a more reliable server, I spawned in Cherno with all my equipment and and in the same state I had been.

A bit annoying but not the end of the world as I needed to go to the hospital anyway.

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