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Looking for mature players

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Hello, I'm looking for a couple fun, mature, team-work oriented players to chill with. I have Skype, Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc. Reply if interested :]

US preferred!

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Hey Pulp!

I myself am lookig for other mature players to play with as well. I enjoy good team oriented game play, most of my 'mature' friends have zero interest in gaming so its been dificult finding age/mature/fun gamers to play with,

Please PM me if your interested and I will give you my skype contact info. We can talk and see if we can play together sometime.


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I have a few people i play with would love to make a bigger group, if your interested add me on skype. Spboudreau

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Hey Gents,

I am a few days new to Day Z but a long time FPS/PVP/PK/AntiPK vet. I have a gaming community with a mumble server website and forums @ codekillers.net and have been looking to find some players to group up with, playing Day Z alone does not appeal to me. We had about eight guys playing recently, which put the game down for a bit who may decide to come back as well if there is some activity going. I have the resources in-place to utilize for a mature like-minded group of survivors who want to have some zombie fun.


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