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Killed while waiting to load (taking forever)

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Not sure what to call this. Tried to log into the game on a server and the "loading game" took several minutes. So before i could even get into the game I was dead. Lost alot of gear, but i dont mind that too much. Just wondering if my character is "in-game" while the loading game message on the screen is the only thing i see??

EDIT: I was under a bush far away from anything interesting, so really bad luck i guess. And usually loading the game takes around 30seconds. When it takes alot of time i guess its a server issue?

Edited by Tordenskiold

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Yes i think your character spawns shortly before you are actually in the game.

That was really bad luck then.

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Last night when i was logging in and my team was waiting on me they tried rushing me to move, i was loading while they where telling me to go as they said my body was spawned - so from my experience yes your body spawns before loading is finished.

(Edit: missed "was" from "I was logging")

Edited by UndoCTRLz

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