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CA dubbing error but installed with six updater

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Hey Guys,

I recently purchased operation arrowhead off of steam (already owned arma2 also through steam) specifically to play this mod but I can't get it to work. I get the CA dubbing error on start up and then the citizen scope missing error once the game loads. I read the stickies and it seems that it's a common problem when you're not running the most recent update but doesn't six updater automatically update to the latest version? Here is exactly how I installed the mod:

Ran Operation Arrowhead in Steam

Downloaded six Updater and had it install the mod.

Hit verify in six updater to make sure of the latest version.

Here are my computer specs:


1tb hd

nvidia 560ti 448 core

windowz 7

What should my next course of action be? I could have installed the files manually but read six updater was the easiest way to go about it.

Edit: I am launching the mod through six updater.

Edited by Bad-Karma
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Hey, i think I got the fix to the errors; just copy the Addons folder from your base Arma 2 to the Addons folder for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (Make an addons folder if it doesnt exist).

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- Make sure Arma2 and Arma2:OA are both ran once from steam to let it setup anything it needs and sets your registry keys etc. If you suspect your installation is corrupt, reverify steam files, let it update everything, and then run the 2 games once to let it setup registry or other settings.

- Install DayZ with Sixlauncher, check options to make sure all the paths are correct for dayz to be installed, or download latest dayz version as a torrent and extract it all to a @DayZ folder in your steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead folder.

- Download and run the arma2 beta patch. Copy the arma2oa.exe from steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion\beta to steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead (backup old exe just in case) (or let dayzcommander do this update, whichever you prefer, but sometimes the newest beta exe is not copied to the arma 2 operation arrowhead folder, so maybe manually do it to be sure. If you reverify steam files at a later date, you'll probably need to reapply the beta patch)

- Set steam launch options for Arma2:OA as: -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -world=chernarus -skipIntro -nosplash -noPause /high (or adjust to your setup if your have a dual core cpu or whatever or check the bohemia wiki for details: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Startup_Parameters)

- Launch Arma2:OA, goto expansions menu, make sure beta, expansions and @DayZ are enabled. Re-launch to apply changes if necessary.

- Should be good to play now.

- Download dayzcommander from dayzcommander.com and let it handle installation of future arma2 beta patches and dayz versions.

Note: if you add -mod=@DayZ or similar to launch options it will give you the dayz_anim CA dubbling error.

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