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A crashing game and red exes

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I've been following this game for a while, and when Arma 2: Combined Operations wnet on steam I thought I'd give it a try. However, when I attempt to join a server,

I'm faced with two problems:

  • One- The VAST majority of the servers on the browser are accompanied by a small red "X" to the left of the server name. Very few of these servers have the yellow symbol instead, and those that do always have less than three players, often none.
  • Two- Even when managing to connect to one of these servers, to see if I can at least run the game, Arma crashes immediately after clicking "Ok" on the briefing screen. It starts loading something then boom, crashes.]

As for relevant information, I followed this approach, listed in the Installation Guide, right here on these forums:


This program will automatically download and install the latest version of DayZ Mod for you. You don't have to copy or extract anything.

1) Download the Updater from http://www.worrom.com/

2) Point at at your Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead folder.

3) Go to Steam and right click Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, go to 'Properties', 'Set Launch Options', add "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" without quotes in the target line. If you are using retail go to the Arma2:OA main directory and right-click on "Arma2OA.exe" and add "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" without quotes to the target line.


I have downloaded, extracted, and installed the latest Beta download, and I am running Arma 2 Combined Operations from Steam, as administrator.

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, with 12 gigs of ram, and am attempting to run Arma in 3-monitor Eyefinity (it works for the main game, but just including in case it causes problems with DayZ.)

Please ask if you require any other information to answer this question, I appreciate anyone who has some advice to give.

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Bump. Anyone? I would really like to actually play this.

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