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Chewbacca (DayZ)

Diva Admin (Zac) on US 404

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I was just driving a bicycle around up north when this happens in chat:

Zac has been killed.

Zac (Blufor): "fuck you assface"

Zac (Blufor): "faggots like you shouldnt be allowed to play this fuckin game"

10 seconds later "session has been lost". He apparently reset the server.

I rejoin a few minutes later, and my bicycle is nowhere to be found because it was last saved 100 km away (my fault). That's alright, I'll continue by foot.

So I walk another kilometer, and what do you know, a crashed helicopter (and it hasn't been looted)! As I get a bit closer, and figure out how I'm going to take on a dozen military zombies with a revolver, the server goes down again without warning.

I rejoin (on the off-chance the chopper is still there). It wasn't, but that's alright, I'll find another eventually. My friend comes online and asks what server I'm in, I tell him, and he tries to join. Apparently he can't because Zac has locked the server for some unknown reason.

It's been about 30 minutes, and the server is still locked with him and 4 other random people playing.

Sadly this kind of behavior from entitled admins is becoming more and more common by the day, and ruining an otherwise great alpha phase for this game.

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