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Chicago 13 Information

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Hi Everyone!

I'm the owner of Chicago 13, which was just launched this morning. I wanted to make a post here to introduce myself and say hi to the community! I'll be watching the server like a hawk to ensure the most stable playing environment for everyone. I'll also be rolling out patches as soon as i'm able to get my hands on them.

The server:

Hostname: dayz01.sykotix.com

Server Title: DayZ Zombie RPG - Chicago 13 (v1.5.7) dayzmod.com - Sykotix/UnrepentantGaming/Rangers

Slots: 50

Difficulty: Currently Regular, Will be raising up to Expert(Hardcore) with third person ON tonight.

I'm planning on upping the slots on this server slowly. I want to see how it performs at 50 players, then I'll up it to 64.

If the community receives the 64 player limit well, and the box can take the load, we'll push the limit up to 76 players.

The server itself is a pretty beefy server, so i'm not too concerned with the hardware requirements. The port is 100mbit, so ping shouldn't be an issue for most.

If anyone feels motivated to donate, feel free to donate via paypal. My paypal address is [email protected].

If I receive enough requests (Or even better yet, donations!) I'll also put a Teamspeak 3 server up for the public to use on that server as well. I've also been thinking of putting a *small* discussion forum together for that server as well.

If anyone needs to contact me, I'm available via:

[email protected]

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If you are looking to get a good group of regulars it would be a good idea to throw up that TS3 server right off the bat and constantly remind your players about it. Groups will form and it will get used, bringing the mini community on your server together. Cheers.

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Well, that answers that. As soon as I update to 1.5.8 (downloading now) I'll throw a TS3 up.

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