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AppCrash Realy Working solution

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hello guys em andries i play alot of Dayz but also the Normale Arma 2 OA game. since the last few updates i was getting the Crash to desktop the Appcrash it was a pain in the ass to find a working solution but i found it its realy simpel all you have to do is reinstall your game so its all fresh and delete the battle eye client in your appdate for the peeps dont know where to find that its in C:\Users\andries\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA i dont know where you can find it if you still using the old win xp but this is where you find it on win 7.

the solution

1 when you have done your fresh install dont instal dayz yet or the beta patches!!! First start the operation arrowhead game and join a server and play walk around or what ever till your battleeye client is updated then close your game

2 back up your battle eye. the one that is in the expansion map F:\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\BattlEye and the one that is in the AppData C:\Users\andries\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA now once you done that you can install Dayz and the patches and when ever you feel like to play the normale game

3 simply put the backuped files back in overwrite it and you can play arma 2 OA fine :D it worked for me and my clan mates :D now if you want to play Dayz and you get the message battle eye ini failed or something just reinstal the beta patch and you can join the dayz server np and in order to play the normale arma game again you just have to repeat step 3 till they fix it or some one find a better working solution stick to this it works 100% for me and my mates so it should do the same for you guys

Let Me know if it worked for ya

Edited by Andries

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