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LeYuno (DayZ)

error message when you try to put stuff in your backpack but there is no room

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I would really like the game to warn me when I try to put stuff in my backpack when there is not enough room for them, instead of just deleting them from the world.

Because I didn't watch the number of available slots in my pack I lost both my scoped rifle and my m1911 when I tried to put them in my pack to use a different weapon.

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This. A thousand time this. I've gotten better at being careful about what I store but there should still be a warning to prevent you from loosing hard-won gear.

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This happens with vehicle parts, but for some reason it doesn't happen for weapons or anything else. Quite annoying to potentially disastrous.

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Allegedly this is an arma2 error, not caused by the mod, and therefore fixing it may not be in the cards. I agree, though, it's pretty startling to suddenly lose your stuff!

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One word... Alpha!

two words... suggestions subforum!

I'm not saying this is a bug, I'm saying it's a feature I'ld like to see.

Too bad to see that this might be an Arma II engine problem though. Let's hope those guys at Bohemia stay true to their words. I read an article where they say they will assist the mod team in the next patch..

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