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Help I'm in a coma!!! (acutebluesmurf the tomato)

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Today I was walking towards Stary Sabor about to meet my friends when I was attacked by zombies during the fight one of my friends was kicked so I dispatched the zombies and swapped server (yes I did have the shock symbol, but I only found out what it was after this) I logged in unconscious as should be however, the meter was not moving not a single inch, I tried jumping around servers to see if it was a server glitch with no success. None of my friends have an epi pen to revive me, they don't want to 'put me down' either to maintain their murder free status. What's the go? Anyone else have something similar happen to them? Can I get any help from an admin or something? By the way I was playing on a "NZ" server can't remember which one but I don't think that is too important since I jumped 4 servers with the same outcome. Any help would be appreciated.

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When you went to a new server, how much time did you actually give it before disconnecting again?

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The last server I went to I stayed for a solid 20 mins but left because my hunger and thirst were becoming an issue and one of my friends tried to find one in the store but there was none, he even jumped around a bit. No epi pen either :(

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Please reset my char ID is 56756550. First day with the game and it's been quite unpleasant not being able to move/call for help etc.

Blood hasn't gone down in 30 minutes, no change in hunger/thirst and I'm unable to use any in-game command.

Edited by fluxeii

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