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Saving someone's life by sacrificing your own.

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I was outside of Berezino looking for crashed helicopter sites when it happened. I heard a loud scream and quickly peeked over my shoulder. It was running towards me with abnormal speed and agility only looking for one thing: its next meal. I immediately started running, aware of the fact that I was out of bandages and couldn't afford to get injured. If this monster would hit me and I would start bleeding, it was over. No matter how dangerous running over an open field might be, I decided to make a run for the city's hospital to seek new supplies. I feared that the screaming and growling of the creature behind me might attract the attention of snipers or other players looking for an easy kill. Hence, I decided to turn around and shoot the poor bastard; a big mistake. He hit me once before I emptied my magazine into his body. I started to bleed and while the adrenaline rushed through my body I estimated that the hospital was too far away and instead I hoped to find bandages in the military tents on the soccer field. I had no luck. My only hope now was a generous medic that would help me out of my miserable situation.

A few hours after I contacted them a medic named Slagenthor showed up in front of the tents. A well applied bandage and a blood bad brought me back up on my feet. I was so grateful in that moment because I was sure that after 7 days of survival, my journey had come to an end. He offered me an AS50 and a ghillie suit for which I wanted to give him my M107 and a rangefinder. A fair trade I thought but he refused to take anything. I convinced him to at least take the M107 for the AS50 which he did.

I wanted to step out of the tent to test the zoom of my newly acquired rifle when it happened. We both left the tent at the same time and he just dropped dead. I couldn't believe what just happened. He asked me whether I shot him which I didn't and then explained to me that there is a bug that when two people try to squeeze through an entrance, one will die. I guess i got lucky but I didn't feel lucky. He told me to gather anything that I want from his body and if possible take his ATV down the east-coast to a more safe location. I thought the least I could do was save his vehicle. I drove it along the coastline not knowing that one does not simply drive over a bridge. I approached the first bridge with 85 km/h and I was launched into the air when I thought that this was clearly going to be the end of my day. But it wasn't. Fortunately I landed on all for wheels; a 9/10 if you will. I continued on the road, thinking that by simply driving over it slowly I would avoid destroying the vehicle and my life. I was wrong. I took the next bridge with about 5 km/h and the same thing happened only this time I wasn't so lucky and the vehicle laid on the side. I reported my actions and that I lost his vehicle. I felt so sorry for him. The poor bastard made his way to one of the more dangerous locations in Chernarus to safe my ass. In return he died and lost his vehicle.

All he said was: "Don't worry about it, just glad I could help."

Thank you Slagenthor for you unselfish actions and your generosity.

If you need help I strongly recommend the guys from the RMG. http://www.ratedmgaming.com/

Edited by hurschti
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I think you meant "saving someone's life by sacrificing your own" since in the way you phrased it, "one's life" would be referring to your own life, hence your phrase/topic heading translates as "saving your own life by sacrificing your own"

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Great story. Im always glad to see feedback for our medics. I know they do a great job, I just don't get to be with them all the time when they are in action.

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I just tried to be a hero. I saw a fellow survivor being chased by a horde of 5-7 zeds out in the open road. I told him to run away while I held of the zombies (with my axe, my only weapon) For whatever reason, he decided to stay there and watch me. I guess he wanted to scavenge my loot when I died. Then, one zombie broke off from the horde that I had following me, and knocked him down. At this point a zombie had broken my bones, so I had to crawl over to his body, hoping to kill the zombies on him and save his life. Unfortunately, he was dead by the time I rolled over to him. I scavenged his body, he might possible have some morphine to treat my broken bones, but he didn't.

Quite a failed act of valour.

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There are so many kind people on this game!

I guess people just don't generally see it, because a single bandit with a sniper can take out a dozen newbies, who vow never to play the game again.

Either way, great story, and thank you for sharing :)

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You don't want to forget that kindness, it's just too bad that he died there.

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Nice story bro. Becoming a medic sounds fun :) Except for the dying part.

Edited by iLikeNoobies

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