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master zone

Fucking Hackers, WTF!!!

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Today is the first time I have played DayZ and on my 4th game after my 3rd death, and 5min in I teleport with 30 other players in to a fields where we are surrounded by about 10 people in full army gear in a circle around us chopping us down with high power rifles...

I don't freaking get it!!! Why do these people play this game and why are they hacking it? Are they psychopaths who lack empathy and get joy out of other peoples pain?... I don't know... I mean all I know is that here we are playing a game for fun in our spare time and over there we have hackers who no life in this game and gain joy in others misery...............

What really ticks me off is when they say "it's just a game"... Well last time I checked every game in the world has RULES! Monopoly is just a game, but fucked if ima waste hours playing it with a cheat, same with chess or football.

Hackers, get a freaking LIFE!

Edited by master zone
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How about you post servername, when it happened and preferably a printscreen in the cheater section instead? :)

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I was just on that server. I remember seeing all these peoples names just die at the same time and I was like.. ehh (I just respawned and had nothing). Then I got the basics to survive and I was teleported into the middle of of a group of 10 players with ghilli suited fuckwits shooting at us so I just aborted ASAP. Thankfully didnt die.

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Ok thanks, next time I will.

And yeah it was an Australian server...

Edited by master zone

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I'm sorry, I don't remember the server name :(

I'm sorry, I don't remember the server name :(

Then GTFO and stop crying.

Edited by Prebenmar

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Out of my last 10 deaths, only 2-3 have been legitimate PvP kills or zombie deaths.

I've been spawned out in debug with nothing.

I've logged in to find that I was dead, even though I had logged out in a tree over 1km from any structure. (my corpse and tents were untouched when I ran back)

I've been killed by vaulting over something.

I've been killed by combat loggers.

I've been killed by players with teleport hacks.

I've been killed by players with wall hacks.

I've been massmurdered.

I've been teleported into the air 100 feet to fall to my death.

I've been in vehicles that just randomly exploded.

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Today is the first time I have played DayZ and on my 4th game after my 3rd death, and 5min in I teleport with 30 other players in to a fields where we are surrounded by about 10 people in full army gear in a circle around us chopping us down with high power rifles...

I don't freaking get it!!! Why do these people play this game and why are they hacking it? Are they psychopaths who lack empathy and get joy out of other peoples pain?... I don't know... I mean all I know is that here we are playing a game for fun in our spare time and over there we have hackers who no life in this game and gain joy in others misery...............

What really ticks me off is when they say "it's just a game"... Well last time I checked every game in the world has RULES! Monopoly is just a game, but fucked if ima waste hours playing it with a cheat, same with chess or football.

Hackers, get a freaking LIFE!

i dunno why people are giving you beans for this post. the hackers are probably reading this thread and laughing themselves to death. good job giving them what they want.

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Next time, respawn, press P, then press print screen.

Press 'i' to get server name.

Open Photoshop, paint, whatever and paste. Then save.

By watching who didnt die you will be able to get player names, although it can be fruitless cause all they have to do is edit their profile and change their name. It is up to the server admin to be around and get their player ID's and ban them.

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Next time, respawn, press P, then press print screen.

Press 'i' to get server name.

Open Photoshop, paint, whatever and paste. Then save.

By watching who didnt die you will be able to get player names, although it can be fruitless cause all they have to do is edit their profile and change their name. It is up to the server admin to be around and get their player ID's and ban them.

Wow you're a cunt

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Then GTFO and stop crying.

give him some bloody slack man, come on. He probably just fought for hours trying to get it to work, finally is able to find a server that works and then this.If you've just come over here to bash a new player into the ground, go somewhere else where you can have fun by yourself.

As for the newb; we can't do anything about it either. Never experienced it myself though.

Edited by Nighthawk4
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