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Incentivizing Behavior

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The problem with this mod and the way it currently functions is it is trying to be nearly 100% realistic in an environment where that is not possible. There are no real repercussions in this game like in the real world and therefore no one cares about the lives of other players or their own actions. Basically they play it with a gaming mindset rather than if this were actually taking place.

Going around and simply player killing is stupid as shit, we all know it and too many of you bums are hopping on the "it's how the mod is supposed to be played" bandwagon, or "there is no right or wrong way to play", bullshit.

In real life if this were to take place people would be weary of each other just like in this game but they would not just kill for no reason, that is the gaming mentality kicking in and it's counter-productive to everything. Killing for gear and supplies to survive in this game is 100% unnecessary. There are always spawning weapons and there are always items and safe places and you can survive perfectly without ever having to kill anyone. Hell, you could stay in the proximity of a deer stand and survive indefinitely as it would always spawn new things.

You can trust no one in this game unless you form some kind of alliance with a large group elsewhere such as a forum or community. Why do people join in groups or make factions do you think? The main driving logic behind doing so is for safety so people do not randomly just kill you off and your things are protected. It's a deterrent but not big enough; especially in an environment where cheating is extremely easy.

Player killing needs to have real consequences, real ramifications for your actions. Something bad needs to happen to people if they shoot first and ask questions later. Do I know what that could be as of now? No, but I do know that there needs to be an in game consequence for doing it. I have survived 9 days now with zero bandit kills and zero player kills, and to be honest I am bored out of my mind and can you guess why that is? I have nearly almost zero player interaction aside from the group of people I play with simply because I do not want to go out killing people, I want to survive.

The game right now is forcing you to be bored somewhere or go out recklessly and kill or be killed, it's extremely boring and stupid. I loved this game when I first started playing it, the first few days were fun because I was ignorant to how things worked but as time pushed on I saw the bigger picture and now it's boring.

This is a zombie apocalypse survival game yet there is almost zero emphasis on the zombies, they are too easy to kill and too easy to survive from. If you get in a bind with them just run into a barn or some kind of structure and pick them off one by one as they enter until it is clear or stay away from towns and structures. You never have to really worry about them, you really only have to worry about other people, the game is just a large scale death-match right now with zombies thrown in the loop.

People say having consequences for killing other players will damage or kill off the mod? On the contrary, player killing is killing off any positive player interaction it's the killing which is affecting everything and making the game stagnant.

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I don't shoot people because "It's more fun to kill people".

I do it to minimize the risk towards myself. If I can't hide or escape a potential encounter with another player, I _WILL_ shoot first unless they show very clearly they're not aggressive.

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