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A good/bad day to be a survivor. A day in Day Z

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Hi guys, first let me introduce myself. My name ingame is Riis, and I'm a survivor with capital letters, meaning I do not trust any of you, but I would still like to share a story.

Today started early in the morning near the NW airfield. I had camped out for the night in the forest just east of the main gate, and decided I'd go in and see if there was any early loot. I sneaked past the usual zombies, and crawled into the garage of the firestation, determined to find some food as I was getting pretty low.

Sure enough, I find a few cans of food in the garage, and quickly rummage through the tower aswell. On my way down I'm suddenly faced with a bandit, I start to curse myself for not having my AKM in my hands, and a splitsecond after seeing the tosser, I start unloading my trusty Makarov into his murderous face, but sadly, he had the same idea. We both go down, me, Heavily wounded and bleeding, him dead.

After a few seconds i regain conciousness and start bandaging up, I'm badly hurt, gone into shock from the bloodloss, and im in alot of pain. The bandit sadly didn't have anything usefull, so I eat what food I have and start making my way out of the airfield so I can hide in the forest.

Then reallife calls and I have to go to work.

After work I get on teamspeak and some of my buddies are on, and we decide to meet up, 2 of em has bloodpacks and meat. And we meet up just north of Kabanino, and start to make our way towards the airfield to pick up one of our lads that's badly wounded. We pick our way through the hangars, and I find enough AKM mags to last me for a few weeks. We make our way to the firestation where our buddy is, but someone has set up some barbed wire inside the firestation, making navigating it very difficult, and only me and 1 other makes it inside the tower. At this point, one of the new guys agravates a Zombie and starts running towards the garage, Brad the guy we had outside to secure the area accidentally fires his Lee Enfield, telling every zombie at the airfield that there's brains to be had.

A firefight breaks out, 2 of us are stuck behind the barbed wire with zombies getting through it pretty easily, Brad outside the station is running around trying to loose the zombies. I'm firing my last few makarov rounds into the waves and waves of zombies when Wolf finally opens up with his AKM and mows the horde down. I go down, and so does Black dog. Wolf manages to get behind the barbed wire, but has no bandages, luckily i have some in my backpack and he manages to bind up my wounds, but black dog bleeds out within a few seconds. I get a blood transfusion and magically im back up to full strength.

Brad is trying to get inside the barbed wire as our friend upstairs had died, and we're trying to get black dogs stuff divided. Then we hear M4 fire, zombies start running again, I quickly move upstairs trying to get a bead on where the fire is coming from, shots ping off the walls, and Brad yells that he's got zombies on him, and he'll try to loose em by going up the ladder to the roof. I tell Wolf to cover the doors, and I try to cover Brads movement.

Suddenly I hear a winchester and an M4 firing again, Brad is down on the roof, wolf has no contact, and I dont see anything, so I go down a level when i see a survivor crouched over Brads bleeding corpse, I take cover lean out, take aim and fire off a few shots, the survivor keels over, bleeding from 2 hits in the chest. I think to myself, good at least brad has been avenged now, and I keep aiming at him. His mate, a bandit runs towards his mate, to try and get him back up, I shoot at him 3 times, 2 shots hit a chimney, 1 shot hits him in the pelvis, but he manages to run a few steps towards me and go prone..looking at bradleys dead corpse.

I check my ammo counter, 17 bullets left in the clip...I empty the clip into the bloody bastard almost point blank. I wait about 30 seconds, to see if there are more, and then decide to take the chance and go outside on the roof.

I run to bradley, who was dead, I do a nice coup de grace shot to the head of each of the bandits, just to make sure, and check out their stuff.

That morning I had a decent kit, after that, i had more bloodpacks than I could use, all the tools I would need to survive in the wilds, 7 mags for my AKM, lights, smoke grenades, painkillers, epi-pen, morphine, the lot...

And after this what happens, well I go about my business for a bit, get my canteens filled, find my buddies who had restarted and give them some of the extra kit i had. And when we go to a pond to refill our canteens, I suddenly die while being prone, i look at my debug monitor...12000 blood...something just killed me, some kind of bug..but i have no idea what....

It had been such a good day, my character had managed to stay alive for about 4 days, and I had planned on going into the wilds for a bit and hunt...And now my character is dead :( All that hard work for naught....

Oh well, I'm sure I'll experience new things with a new character, but just wanted to share this good day with bandits killed :D

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I love reading these stories while waiting for server response. Your first day was a lot more eventful than my entire first week. The first thing I noticed was you saying you camped out overnight at the airport. I'd never do that, you never know who else will have logged on or been scavenging around when you wake up.

This games great for creating these stories, keep em coming.

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