ForcefulCJS 16 Posted July 22, 2012 Me and a few friends went back to the coast for some old-school rumbling with whatever weapons we could find lying around, we spent roughly an hour in Electro and an hour in Cherno.Number of time we heard a makarov fire: 6Number of Barrett (M107) and AS-50 rounds fired: 40+Number of deaths to anything that can spawn on the coast: 1Number of deaths in 1-hit to .50 cal sniper rifles: 7 The combination of duping and ridiculously powerful sniper rifles is a plague on this game. The M107 is a .11% chance spawn in the barracks, a 1/1000 percent chance in 2 buildings that have 12 loot spawns each. Helicopters have aggravated the problem, but something that was clearly designed to be rare is probably the most common weapon on every server we join. I even got my hands on one after someone with an AS-50 came right up to the edge of Electro from Dobry. After duping is fixed, the next obvious step is to stop making Helicopter crashes into the ulta-rare loot pinatas they are. Sure give them an excellent set of gear still, but finding a small arsenal of sniper rifles on every crash is just silly.I'm sure everyone else has seen the pattern too, Electro and Cherno are just target practice for .50 caliber douchebags. Sure you can go kill them but they will alt-f4 immediately if you shoot at them, and even if you get a kill they will close the game so that their body despawns. There's no satisfaction knowing that the guy you killed will just run back to some hidden tent full of duped gear and be back to sniping noobs within 20 minutes. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
z-layrex 175 Posted July 22, 2012 I'm positive they will either remove sniper rifles from the game or make them much more rare eventually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted July 22, 2012 Duping needs to disappear and all inventories should be emptied when that happens. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quaby 93 Posted July 22, 2012 Honestly, the heavy rifles aren't a big deal. In all my lives, I have never been targeted by a sniper of any kind, and I have never seen an AS-50 or Barrett. They aren't THAT common...there are way more trigger happy noobs with makarovs than .50 cal campers. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sonblade (DayZ) 11 Posted July 22, 2012 I at least hope that ammunition eventually becomes an incredibly rare commodity. In the current state, finding ammo for a specific gun is like finding sand on a beach. Very rare ammo = less people expending ammo on wasteful kills. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadManDan 23 Posted July 22, 2012 Ya, fix the duping. I have yet to see an as50 or the svd spawn. I wish they would run statistics on how many players have what types of weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted July 22, 2012 Yeah, 50 BMG weapons aren't as common as you're making it seem. Nor are they as advantageous as you make it seem. I really don't understand all the hatred of snipers, the objective of sniping is to be irritating and demoralizing, I wouldve thought people had accepted that by now. Electro and Cherno have always been a snipers paradise, for good reason... All the idiot players flock there for bandits to grief. Honestly, you can't really complain about getting killed in the cities. It's meant to be a shit show and it's your own prerogative to go in there or take a safer route to loot.The problems of duping, disconnecting, and perhaps -some- weapon tweaking do need to be addressed. But bear in mind, this is an alpha, rocket has been very generous in the bugs he -has- fixed, which is not the objective of alpha testing. I know you've prolly heard that before, but it does weigh on how one can judge the mod. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 40 Posted July 22, 2012 Killed twice I think from sniper fire in probably 20 other PK's, I've looted a dozen+ helis and found 2 or 3 sniper so not super common, most of the snipers I find on other players.I just don't find them a problem but hey I don't visit Electro/Cherno too often and the last time I did I was shot at by a sniper/hacker his aim was shit though but he gave me several nice loots, hunting them could be quite profitable! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogan (DayZ) 24 Posted July 22, 2012 So you're angry because you got killed by player killers in the two areas people go to play PvP?You need to rethink your strategy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golgo82 28 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) 4 Deaths so far due to player induced hostility1. -AKM--mate forgot to cover my six in a supermarket2. -.50 cal rifle-- we shot up some dudes in stary, then ran in the open field and got sniped from someone near the NWAF - our fault for not staying in cover3. -Makarov--didnt cover my six in a supermarket4. -Crossbow--didn't shoot first because i thought he was only a harmless Zed HunterAll those 4 deaths would have been avoidable had I/we not let down my/our guard.There is no need to reduce the "amount" of sniper rifles in the game.Fix the duping and you will get less sniper-death.Stay away from places where people with high-powered, long range guns are hanging out(NWAF, Stary, Cherno, Elektro) and you are less likely to get shot by one. Edited July 22, 2012 by Golgo82 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ForcefulCJS 16 Posted July 22, 2012 Honestly, the heavy rifles aren't a big deal. In all my lives, I have never been targeted by a sniper of any kind, and I have never seen an AS-50 or Barrett. They aren't THAT common...there are way more trigger happy noobs with makarovs than .50 cal campers.Maybe you don't know what they sound like. After we gave up on Electro, we spawned in Cherno and met in the construction site. As we ran to the military tents someone fired at us 5 times with a Barrett, we swept around the entire town and looped north in a maneuver that took almost 10 minutes. Once we got to his firing position he had clearly logged or ran away. Then less than a minute later we hear 3 AS-50 shots from the eastern hill. 2 of us went to investigate and we checked every tree and bush on the hill and it was dead silent for 5 minutes. We started to head back to town and we both caught AS-50 rounds in the back.They really are that common. I don't even remember the last time I got killed by a "regular" sniper rifle. It's always the distinctive report of the .50 cals before I get one-shot by those noobcannons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ForcefulCJS 16 Posted July 22, 2012 So you're angry because you got killed by player killers in the two areas people go to play PvP?You need to rethink your strategy.People go to "play" PvP in almost every major loot spot: Berezino, Starry, NWAF, Balota, Cherno, Electro and all the other potential hotspots in between. Difference is we EXPECT geared-out tools up north in the first 3 locations I mentioned. If .50 cal snipers were even remotely rare, people wouldn't risk them climbing up Dobry to take shots at flashlight warriors and risk losing their gear to another sniper or flanked with a Lee Enfield. The is though, even after we switched servers, we had several snipers firing off their .50 cals from both Dobry and the NW forest. For a while we had an overwatch who even killed a couple on Dobry and one to the Northwest (only one body didn't disappear) but after the overwatch had to leave more asshats would just log in with their noob cannons to play target practice. Perhaps the reason we WEREN'T killed with more conventional weapons was because we were playing so cautious due to all the sniping, but eventually one of us would let our guard down and check someone's body in the street or stop in an open area and catch a .50 round in the ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanglory 72 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) I've managed to find two M24's conveniently in my last two lives.1) Searched one of the small sleeping bunkers in NW airfield and found one with two magazines.-Died-2) Freshly spawned, I went into Elektro and into the corner house near the supermarket. On the top floor I found an M24 with SEVEN mags around it. Probobly a hacker or somebody who found something apparently much better on the ground for a trade.Although it's not the BEST sniper rifle, unlike the .50 cal variant (which I would report is mostly hacked into) it DOES drop and it isn't so extremely rare as some would think. Edited July 22, 2012 by Vanglory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivan keska 39 Posted July 22, 2012 Maybe you don't know what they sound like. After we gave up on Electro, we spawned in Cherno and met in the construction site. As we ran to the military tents someone fired at us 5 times with a Barrett, we swept around the entire town and looped north in a maneuver that took almost 10 minutes. Once we got to his firing position he had clearly logged or ran away. Then less than a minute later we hear 3 AS-50 shots from the eastern hill. 2 of us went to investigate and we checked every tree and bush on the hill and it was dead silent for 5 minutes. We started to head back to town and we both caught AS-50 rounds in the back.They really are that common. I don't even remember the last time I got killed by a "regular" sniper rifle. It's always the distinctive report of the .50 cals before I get one-shot by those noobcannons.Things that like server admins should be brutals towards, because if i ran a server i'd make sure i have everything watched so well i can tell you how much you ate and drank on your visit, and if you pull this shit i'd push hard to get you banned not just from my server but the database.because I can withstand normal murderers but greifers and dc'ers I would just instantly ban, and never drop it since those people never learn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opticalshadow 27 Posted July 22, 2012 i just dont think people understand how rare works.even if an as50 spawned once every 100k loot piles, it could still spawn thousands a times in one day, in the last interview rocket said they passed 700k players, with 150k avg players at any one time, so you figured with 150k players in the game, even rare items will be found, and items dont generally just get lost, importent ones stay in circulation. once that as50 is looted, it will likely be forever circulating between players. rareity is a dimishing return, unless you hard cap it like vehicles (which i would never see happening) there is no way to keep an item rare forever. eventually they will be more and more common. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katana67 2907 Posted July 22, 2012 items dont generally just get lostHave you played Day Z? Because I've lost multiple primary weapons to bugs, and others do frequently.Furthermore, if you're engaging a target from afar... in a high-risk area, you're less likely to fetch their equipment. This also assumes that PvP is the -only- way players die, which is not the case at all. Bodies, at least they're supposed to, disappear after X amount of time.I get what you're saying, but it doesn't change the fact that the 50 BMG weapons aren't everywhere like it's made to believe in the OP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rifter 17 Posted July 22, 2012 There is a bug that causes tents to dupe on server restarts. So most of the duping is actually unintentional. The biggest problem is farming loot by server hoping. Go on any server that is empty or has less than 4 people and watch the NWA. People spawn in and log out almost every 5 minutes and will disconnect if they see another player. They just raid the barracks and switch to another server with zero risk to themselves. You also have to consider that high end gear like this has a longer life span than other stuff because it is almost always guaranteed to be picked up if found or looted from another player.Lowering the spawn rates would only punish legit players. Its the meta gaming that needs to be fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites