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Inventary tips...?

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I've been browsing the web to find anything about the basics, yet I am fine but I have still one or two things that bother me...

First is, I don't know how to use the chemlights nor the flares, seems like you can't interact with in your inventory... Like right clicking and equip it. Or am I missing anything ? I don't have any use for it at the moment but well, I should be prepared for everything I guess :P

Second is, is there any possible ways to get your stuff in the backpack from your inventory without dropping it ?

Thanks for any answers!


While I am at it, if anyone wants to share his playing experience with me, I have a TS 3 (TeamSpeak 3), I am French, I play quite a lot, and you'll be getting a lot of fun... hm what else ? :P


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press F to cycle thru equipped weapons until u see "flares" in the upper right corner.

press fire and wait a few seconds to throw them. then go to them and pick them up by scrolling the mouse wheel and select "pickup flare"

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I wish I could help you, I'm new also. I don't play at night yet because I have only been able to get my flashlight to work once. Seeing as this beta has tons of issues I only assume it's a bug and wait until I can enjoy the terror of playing this mod in the dark. I would help you figure out how to use flares or chem lights, but I have died before having any chances to toss any out. Waiting on someone else to help us out.

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backpack: select in inventory, press "open bag", shuffle stuff around

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If you have the chemlights/flares in your inventory hit F to select them (at the top right of your screen) that way you can also change firing modes for your automatic weapons.

To switch things from your backpack to your inventory and back just hit G and scroll to the bottom of your inventory select your backpack and klick "open bag" at the bottom of the inventory screen. If you look at your inventory now you will see the numbers next to your items the ones on your left are in the bag the others are in your inventory. Also you can see how many slots are still free in the bag at the top of the inventory screen. i.e. 3/20 means you have 3 slots left.

Never try to put something in it thats larger than your space size or youll loose it.

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Thanks Bros, I'll try this out.

Ponc, when you're saying "press F" what does F refers to in the key mapping ? I have remapped a lot of my keys actually :D

For the backpack I have tried this but you don't see all the stuffs you have in your inventory at the same time... Or I missed something ^^

Edit: well same for Julez, what G refers to ? :P

Thanks again guys!

Edited by arkenz

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backpack: select in inventory, press "open bag", shuffle stuff around

elebaroate on this a bit

moving stuff from inventory to back pack

open inventory and press 'open bag'

look at the top left mini pane, everything in main inventory has a number on the right, cklick the lil arrow on the left and youll see it switch, till you get a bit more used to it once you have the bag open you can click the item in your inventory and its bar on the mini pane will highlight for you to save you scrolling up and down looking

looting straight from the floor to the pack

same as above pretty much, look at loot pile select 'gear' from scroll wheel, 'open pack' then look for the item you want to take from the pile and press the arrow on its name bar to move it straight to the inventory

works exactly the same in reverse to dump stuff striaght from pack onto loot pile, and to move stuff from back pack to inventory, if you want to randomly throw stuff from inventory away unless theres a handy loot pile then you need to move it inventory, close pack and then drop it, if you try and drop it with pack still open you just shuffle it back in pack

Edited by stuffnthings
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Thanks Bros, I'll try this out.

Ponc, when you're saying "press F" what does F refers to in the key mapping ?

fire mode, it will switch weapon between semi/full auto and then move on to select things you have in your pack that you can throw, flare, chem light, smoke nade, frag nade will all have the name, if it just says throw it means a whiskey bottle or tin can you have in your inventory
Edit: well same for Julez, what G refers to ? :P
gear tab

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Thanks stuffnthings, trying this out and getting back to you! ;)

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Thanks a lot bro, it works all fine!

no problem, cant have you struggaling to find and loot gear can we, other wise theres no point in me shooting you later to steal it :P

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You can have my beans if we meet somedays! haha

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