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I know...alpha but

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I just lost all of my stuff due to server restart and not being able to get back in..After loosing my stuff to what I am going to chalk up as a glitch.

I logged of last night under a bush, after my food symbol turned red because I didn't have time to go looking around, it was time to sleep!

So I log in today, bleeding, hungry, thirst, screen flashing. I take a few steps, pass out, killed by a passing zed when I get back up. I run 20 minutes back to my body, not even sure if the road I am following is the correct one because I could swear last night I was running on dirt (yes it was dark : ) ) So I finally find my cold, dead corpse and I jump for joy. I maneuver my way through the zombies and start looting. exxxccceept my loot isn't moving from dead body to me. My matches move over then my revolver. I try to take my alice pack, my guy puts my pack on ground but leaves alice on dead body, server disconnects.

I have been trying to get on, what I hope is the right server for the last half hour but noone is getting in and I have to goto work.

I know alpha.. but everytime I loose stuff it is because of a server side/master server issue it seems. Anyway of getting my ammo, full tool set minus NVG, 2 assault rifles, revolver, full alice pack back? Or am I boned?

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You are boned. Pretty much dead if you do not log on and eat and drink. I just had my son bring me morphine, food, and water because I broke my leg last night. Healed up to max blood, went to a town to resupply, took in all about an hour. Went through about 8 false/true phases and when I finally got back online, I am right back to square one, broken leg, no food, or morphine. Kid character is fine, minus all the stuff he gave me...you and I are in the same boat lol.

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I did see your post, that is on a suck level compared to mine. I figured as much but I also figured asking wouldn't hurt. It's no big deal because I prolly would have died eventually :)I

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Ive lost a couple full kits/setups to bugs/glitches.... just restart :) I find the first few hours/day of the game more fun usually anyhow... After you have everything not much to do except keep eating and drinking...

Example: Full kit, Full health, somehow magically made a Z mad from another side of a building so retreated to a building as the whole AF came down on me.. stood my ground emptied all my AK ammo resorted to pulling out my shotty blasted down more when one warps through a wall beside me and in 1 hit knocks me out cold... epic battle and win turned WTF SOB! moment in seconds... back to square one.

Example2: Trying to log in, after hitting debug forest decided to back out, go to abort and game glitches and cursor selects Respawn instead of abort... death... respawn back to square one :( now im very very very careful when attempting to leave a server as it gave no warning or question if I wanted to respawn... just instant bam death. from debug forest lol.

This is happens... sucks.. but games Alpha there is no "beat" the game or win right now... lose your gear and move on and start over.

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