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UA 2 Admin protects camp.

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Here is my story. Right now I'm walked in the woods in the north of Chernarus and came to a camp. I saw people there and decided to scare them - shot one of them. Not even killed! And the admin of the server started to kick me from it.


Server "UA 2", camp in 124 004. Enjoy.

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OK, we meet again cheater. You not walk to our camp. You teleported there. Also, i guess what you one of thats cheaters, what we write some time ago(Also our message was ignored.) Why you were kicked? Because we defending from cheaters, what teleporting to our canp and began shoot to all.

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These guy (ASSTEROID) is cheater!

He teleported in our camp, and fired one of us, then disappeared. After that, all over the map marks began to appear with the coordinates of our camp.

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I played on the same server UA 2. A couple of days ago player under the nickname Alexander. used cheats: after reports that the player Alexnader. killed, he after 2-3 minutes appeared beside me at the old Cathedral! Tried to quietly walk up to me, but give me the steps and received 5 charges shot at point-blank went out into the lobby. There are suspicions that the player with the nickname ASSTEROID his friend, accomplice or the Alexander. The system against cheats could not perform their duties! It's impossible to play, where you would not hiding all the same you will find these cheats and kill! Shoot at the Fraps moment, as close to you teleported cheater is impossible, as to make the screenshot!

Edited by Destion

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The dishonest player complains of administrators?

It something brand new...

Strong to see something burned...

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