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Punishment for Bandits

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I have found out the proper punishment for bandits who camp buildings. It would be almost going crazy in real life listening to fly's on glitched out bodies for 2 hours while you camp Elektro. Try and play with them for about an hour. You will want to stab yourself in the ear.

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I don't really fully understand you thread...it's confusing.

From what I can make out, your suggesting something that you've discovered something already in-game? The player flies, do drive you nuts though. Got caught in a shoot out last night in the school in elekrto, already a lot of flies there and it was difficult to hear player movement over the top. Me and my mate went back there again about half an hour later when we were better equipped and you could hear nothing but flies.

There shouldn't really be any artificial punishment in game, it should come from real life. Eventually, those bandits are going to fire at the wrong time so someone near-by will hear, and hunt their position and kill them. Just let the game take it's course, they will eventually get killed themselves. I know....because I was one of them.

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I think the point he is trying to make is the flies from bodies to be heard by bandits? Or something? To annoy them?

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He is saying the annoying flies on corpses are the punishment for bandits, as ones in close proximity have to listen to the annoying buzz if they intend to hold their ground.

I guess it is kinda true.

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it won't drive them insane... because they're effectively psychotic with no morals or empathy already.

they have ALREADY been driven mad by the environment.

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This thread was to show there is a negative to banditry and to laugh a little at the (WE MUST PUNISH THE BANDITS!) threads. But ya Zeromentor gets it. When there is like 10 dead bodies that have been gone for ever and the flies are louder than any kind of running you hear it gets to be crazy.

it won't drive them insane... because they're effectively psychotic with no morals or empathy already.

they have ALREADY been driven mad by the environment.

It may not drive the character mad, but it almost drove me crazy after an hour of listening to it last night.

This thread is kind of a joke.

Feel free to let it die.

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