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Sandersson Jankins

Will this mod work with Steam OA and ArmaIIFree?

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I apologize for possibly cluttering the forums, or making a thread where I was not intended to. I decided not to post in the troubleshootings thread because I don't actually have a problem at the moment, more of a quick inquiry.

I own Operation Arrowhead on steam thanks to a kind donor; however, I do not have Arma II. If I install ARMA II Free from the Bohemia website, will I be able to play this mod? What will be different? Thanks.

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Steam versions, yes; Free version, I'm pretty sure no.

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Are you sure? Please don't lock it, could someone tell me for definate that if you get OA and armaII free it will work?

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No, it shouldn't work at all.

You can not run modifications with ArmA:II Free so that should prevent DayZ from launching, I don't think you can even play them as Combined Operations but I could be wrong on that bit.

If you purchase the full version of ArmA 2 you WILL be able to combine them and play through steam however.


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Yes, you can install mods if you have OA + ArmA Free. it's called Combined Operations Lite

you just write an extra line in your .exe's start-up properties. I can't look it up, because the Bohemia Interactive site is down

also, Day Z REQUIRES Combined Operations, not just ArmA2. so you'll have to buy Operation Arrowhead or CO anyway

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I'll let you know if it works for me, I am still downloading OA off of steam, because my max DL speed is 180 kb/s. You use the SIX updater method to get the mod to work with Steam OA and ARMAII Free.

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Absolutely confirmed that this works. You must use the SIX updater in order for it to work, but you are absolutely able to only purchase Operation Arrowhead and use the ArmAII:Free (NOT THE DEMO).

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i m trying to install it on a friend's pc, and cant figure how to do :(

could you post steps here please?

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