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Check out my DayZ Youtube series/be part of it?

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Hey guys, I just started a Youtube series with some of my pals of our adventures of DayZ, and it would be awesome if you guys would check it out! I'm currently uploading part 3 right now and part 4 in a bit. I'm also letting people join in at anytime, which could be any of you! You MUST have Skype, because I hate Teamspeak and all of those programs, so if you're interested, add me on Skype or Steam, or send me a message on Youtube!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/LilShawnyJay/feed

Steam: Lil Shawny J

Skype: lilshawnyj

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Al right, I checked it out and I gotta say that there's a lot to improve! Firstly always upload to 720p or 1080p, now the second thing is to make it widescreen 16:9.

Third thing! Part 3 over half of the episode is just you running, running and running. To give more quality to the content that you make you should edit out some of the boring stuff, i'm usually very patience when it comes to youtube videos, but i'm running all day long myself in DayZ so watching a 10-15min video with half of it only being running is not something that i'm going to do!

Good luck, have fun :D

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The only reason it's not in 720P or 1080P is because when I put the videos in my editing software, it lowers the quality. And I know, I wanted to just cut that out, but I just kind of wanted to keep it flowing, you know? And I thank you for your input!

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