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It should be abused, do you think people left there doors unlocked when crazy infected started running around? Like you said anyone could still gain entry most people have a weapon of some sort to damage the door.

I'm for avoiding as many things that give specific advantages as possible, equality between fresh and veteran characters is part of why this game is interesting. Also how are you locking an exterior door with the lock or chain you found? I understand a gate, but I don't really get how it would help you with an exterior door.

As far as destroyed v unlocked I don't think it really matters, if you shoot a door handle out of a door it isn't destroyed but its still unlocked.

Car alarms are fine and dandy but that isn't going to stop someone stealing the car and most cars are stowed so far away from towns that it wouldn't matter. Also enabling the alarm would require the key fab, so unless that car's original keys are found and its not hotwired the car alarm would be disabled. If the current owner is the second owner and they hotwired the car why would the car alarm still be working? Do you see where I am going with this, there are to many things that *should* be implemented for vehicle security to even bother implementing vehicle security.

I think with adding things to the game you can get caught in a spiral of required content when your trying to meet so many varried demands, ie: authenticity, player demand, playability, balance, etc. Keep it simple, thats I think and I think all doors having the option to lock from the inside and be opened by taking damage from the outside is the simplest way to implement security.

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Keep on posting guys and keep this thread alive! Love to hear everything you have to say!

Edited by Gotham

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It should be abused, do you think people left there doors unlocked when crazy infected started running around? Like you said anyone could still gain entry most people have a weapon of some sort to damage the door.

I'm for avoiding as many things that give specific advantages as possible, equality between fresh and veteran characters is part of why this game is interesting. Also how are you locking an exterior door with the lock or chain you found? I understand a gate, but I don't really get how it would help you with an exterior door.

As far as destroyed v unlocked I don't think it really matters, if you shoot a door handle out of a door it isn't destroyed but its still unlocked.

Car alarms are fine and dandy but that isn't going to stop someone stealing the car and most cars are stowed so far away from towns that it wouldn't matter. Also enabling the alarm would require the key fab, so unless that car's original keys are found and its not hotwired the car alarm would be disabled. If the current owner is the second owner and they hotwired the car why would the car alarm still be working? Do you see where I am going with this, there are to many things that *should* be implemented for vehicle security to even bother implementing vehicle security.

I think with adding things to the game you can get caught in a spiral of required content when your trying to meet so many varried demands, ie: authenticity, player demand, playability, balance, etc. Keep it simple, thats I think and I think all doors having the option to lock from the inside and be opened by taking damage from the outside is the simplest way to implement security.

Thanks for trying to improve on mt idea! I have a few personal issues with some of things you suggested, but most of them are great.

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I would like to thank everyone who has put in feedback on my idea. Keep the comments coming!

Edited by Gotham

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Keep on posting!

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Anymore thoughts on the topic?

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The retards that barricade cherno made that place bomb proof, even though I like the idea a lot, with wire mesh and sea mines its kinda pointless

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The retards that barricade cherno made that place bomb proof, even though I like the idea a lot, with wire mesh and sea mines its kinda pointless

Why pointless? It allows for you to have access still. While restricting others. I don't think tank traps and barbed wire do both.

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Using a a crowbar ? only a crowbar? Did you ever try to open a lock with a axe? just for youre information its Super effective too.

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but what if the lock or chain is in the inside of the building or car?

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Using a a crowbar ? only a crowbar? Did you ever try to open a lock with a axe? just for youre information its Super effective too.

Just saying it gives a use the currently useless crowbar! The hatchet has plenty of uses at the moment and doesn't need another!

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but what if the lock or chain is in the inside of the building or car?

You could still pry the door open with a crowbar, I might have to be more specific on this topic in the future.

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I would like an electronic combination lock for my tent.

You would need the lock and a PDA to enter a 4 digit code. The lock and PDA would be rare spawns in residential buildings and supermarkets.

The PDA and lock would hold 100 possible 4 digit combinations so burglars with a PDA could use it on your lock if they choose the correct 4 digit combination from the 100 stored in the PDA. They would only have 10 attempts before the lock switched itself off, and the owner of the lock would be they only person able to switch it on again.

You could change the combination of the lock once every 24 hours, so if you found out a burglar had stolen stuff by guessing the pass code, you could change it and/or move your tent.

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I like the idea and how you said you could see it implemented but it just seems REALLY pointless, as ANYONE who has been on the map 5 minutes would have the tools required to just walk up and brake it off with a gun or crowbar or whatever the means of removing them would be. Also even without any tool/weapon you could just punch out a window....


I would like an electronic combination lock for my tent.

You would need the lock and a PDA to enter a 4 digit code. The lock and PDA would be rare spawns in residential buildings and supermarkets.

The PDA and lock would hold 100 possible 4 digit combinations so burglars with a PDA could use it on your lock if they choose the correct 4 digit combination from the 100 stored in the PDA. They would only have 10 attempts before the lock switched itself off, and the owner of the lock would be they only person able to switch it on again.

You could change the combination of the lock once every 24 hours, so if you found out a burglar had stolen stuff by guessing the pass code, you could change it and/or move your tent.

This is jsut stupid, why use a electronic light when you can just rip a hole in the side of the tent...

Edited by VitaminK

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I would like an electronic combination lock for my tent.

You would need the lock and a PDA to enter a 4 digit code. The lock and PDA would be rare spawns in residential buildings and supermarkets.

The PDA and lock would hold 100 possible 4 digit combinations so burglars with a PDA could use it on your lock if they choose the correct 4 digit combination from the 100 stored in the PDA. They would only have 10 attempts before the lock switched itself off, and the owner of the lock would be they only person able to switch it on again.

You could change the combination of the lock once every 24 hours, so if you found out a burglar had stolen stuff by guessing the pass code, you could change it and/or move your tent.


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I would like an electronic combination lock for my tent.

You would need the lock and a PDA to enter a 4 digit code. The lock and PDA would be rare spawns in residential buildings and supermarkets.

The PDA and lock would hold 100 possible 4 digit combinations so burglars with a PDA could use it on your lock if they choose the correct 4 digit combination from the 100 stored in the PDA. They would only have 10 attempts before the lock switched itself off, and the owner of the lock would be they only person able to switch it on again.

You could change the combination of the lock once every 24 hours, so if you found out a burglar had stolen stuff by guessing the pass code, you could change it and/or move your tent.

Yeah, and I want one of those SMARTGUNS from the Aliens movie... wtf man, what is wrong with you? Locks which are controlled by hard to find PDA??? Holy sh*t what have you been smoking? This is DayZ not Doom3 or CoD or Crisis... o.O

Edited by Antipr0duct

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I had this exact idea myself yesterday as I was wandering around. However I had the additional idea of lock boxes, a storage box you can deploy at your camp and put items into then padlock it for security.

Allowing players to lock doors would be only tolerable if they were as rare as say binoculars are currently. As I imagine going into a barracks then getting padlocked inside would really piss you off, but in a way being shot is no different at least it'd be funny and you'd have to talk your way out of it.

How to open the lock is debatable, using bullets would be too easy, I'd make it crowbar only or make an addition of bolt cutters. Just make the locks really heavy duty ones, not little ones you'd use to close a gym locker as your reason for bullets and hatchets not working.

As for how the person owning the lock opens it, you could make it simply only open for him, or he gets a key, or he needs a combination he can share with others. I think either the key or combination, both require you to make sure the key/combination aren't lost, perhaps if key hidden near what it opens (thou that would require that the key be persistent even when dropped in world) so combination may work best for now.

As for the question about what if you locked a door from inside, I'd make it only work from outside, cause it'd be too much a troll thing to lock it from inside and log off so nobody can use that door again.

Edited by SgtSnug

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