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Looking for a clan.

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I'm not going to lie.. U.B.C.S has intrigued me quite a bit. One: Because I mean come on... I'm probably one of the biggest nuts there is when it comes to Resident Evil. Respecially 1, 2, 3, CV and REMAKE. I've seen some videos of these guys operate and any clan that revolves themselves around the umbrella corporation is cool in my book. Now, anyway...

If you guys have room for another player, whose been playing this game for a month, knows exactly what there doing, is definitely going to raise an eyebrow as far as my interest goes.

I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I just want to let you guys know about me.

1. 26 years old. Mature. Respectful. Friendly. Also loves to joke around, and bust each others balls. I've been playing this game for two months now. I've gotten pretty much everything I need minus a rangefinder (Coyote, AS-50, M4A1 CCO SD, 1911, NVGs,) and I know my ins and outs around this map. I'm a bandit, but I won't always shoot on sight if someone makes there presence known that they are friendly and would rather go on their merry way. I'd never think about pulling the hammer on those guys... but what I'm looking for is a tight knit community of mature gamers who love to have fun. Whether it's raiding, owning up the airfrield, playing tactical, getting the best gear possible, goofing off and everything else... I'm all for it. I'm also interested because these guys seem to be Resident Evil fans which makes them awesome in my book. Now, I'm not going to bed. You may be full and that's fine, however... if by the slight chance you'd be willing to accept more guys, with the gear I've already stated, and would have a use for me, I'd love to join. I'm 26, I'm mature. I love to joke around and laugh, and have a good time. To be honest with you. it would take one play station with me in vent to fit right in with most people. I'm just a normal dude, to put it politely I guess? lmao.

Anyway, I'm looking for a more seriously clan, and if you guys happen to stumble across this, please add me on steam: kevin51501. I go by KFieLd in game, or Kevin. Doesn't really matter to me.

I've been playing fps games competitvely for the last 10 years. Starting with Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2,(Both CAL League), CS 1.6, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, etc.Even some blackops (gasp) and BF3. I have a working mic with surround sound, and when it comes to tactical gameplay, I'm all about it. I never did get a chance to play Arma but I did play america's army for about 6 months and that game requires the utmost professionalism. If you guys have a website you may want to point me too, please let me know. I will gladly make an app there. I'm just looking for a more serious group with players on every night, doing raids, and whatever else. And if it helps even a little, I've beaten pretty much Resident Evil/Biohazard game on the market. Yes, shoot me now. I collect the jap Biohard boxes.

Anyway, shoot me a shout. And if you guys are full I apologize!

Again: Steam: Kevin51501 -- I do not hack. I do not condone combat logging and I have NEVER done it, nor will I ever do it unless it's due to a hacker, but I do not support ghosting or any other kind of exploit. I hope you guys give me the chance to talk with you on comms so you can figure out what kinda guy I am. You may not be disappointed. I mean I'm a new yorker, who happens to be 26. I'm not a negative nancy who complains about everything, ESPECIALLY loot.

Hope to hear from you guys.

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